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??: this is ultraviolet, a HYDRA assassin. I need you two to take her down.

???: really? No offence Director Fury but she doesn't look very dangerous.

Fury: you look like a golden retriever with a big metal dinner plate, Captain Rogers.

????: Fury's right cap, she may not look like a threat but she is, and she doesn't work alone.

Rogers: doesn't work alone? Natasha? Who does she work with?

Natasha: she has a partner, we don't know who it is yet, but if we get her we can get him.

Fury: Natasha.. is there anything else you would like to share with your partner?

Natasha: I doubt that's necessary, he doesn't need to know.

Rogers: know what? What are you not telling me?

Fury: ultraviolet is.. acquaintances with Natashas sister.

Rogers: acquaintances? How so?

Natasha: they worked together, my sister trained ultraviolet, and was with her in the red room. So even without her powers, she could still beat both of us in a fight.

Rogers: and how are we supposed to bring her in?

Fury: we hacked into some HYDRA files, her and her partner have a mission to assassinate the two of you, use this to your advantage.

Rogers: how do pose we do that?

Fury: They'll look for you, find you, and kill you. Probably at night, when you're asleep and can't fight back. Get them to find you and follow you here.

Natasha: so lure them in? We're using ourselves as bait? Sounds fun.

Fury: we need to bring her in. HYDRA is chemically subjugating agents all over the globe. We think she may be one of them. Why else would a 14 year old British girl come to America to be a murderer for a nazi organisation?

Rogers: she's 14? That's a kid fury

Fury: yes but she's not only a threat to SHIELD but the rest of the world. We need to take her down before she starts coming for you guys.

Rogers: us guys?

Natasha: avengers.. she was enhanced, with super soldier serum, and banners failed attempt at recreating it. She's also starks daughter. She doesn't know it, but stark does.

Rogers: so she's super soldier, hulk and starks daughter?

Fury: she will come for you, banner, stark, romanoff and Thor all for different reasons.

Rogers: Thor?

Fury: her mother is.. of Asgard.

Rogers: so she's immortal too? Great.

Fury: she also knew.. Peggy Carter.

Roger: Peggy? How? How is that possible?

Natasha: Howard stark was close with Peggy, after howard and his wife died Peggy took in ultraviolet and her older sister. Looked after them for a year.

Rogers: older sister?

Fury: she's dead. Five years ago. Along with the rest of ultraviolets family.

Rogers: did she kill them? Ultraviolet?

Fury: no. She was 9 at the time. That was when she started at HYDRA.


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