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"Going somewhere darling? You haven't worn those clothes since you got here."
Loki walked into Cassidy's room where she was putting her curly hair in a half-up-half-down look.

"I'm going to earth. Budapest. To see Yelena."
She zipped up her jacket and put on her shoes.

"When will you be back?"
He sat on her bed with her back to him.

"A month at the most. I'll see you when I get back."
She leaned down placed a small kiss on the gods lips.

"See you then, darling."

She opened a portal to earth and looked around to see she was outside a tall building.

Cassie remembered that this was the building that her and Bucky brought the Yelena nearly 4 years ago. The brunette walked in and looked around for her friends apartment until she saw a familiar set of tall brown doors.

There was no answer when teen knocked on the door, so she flicked her wrist and with a surge of purple energy the door was open.

She walked in a heard a gun being cocked and quiet footsteps approaching the door. The curly haired girl took her gun out of her thigh holster and held it up to her shoulder. She leaned against the wall looked around the corner to see her friend. Both were pointing guns at each other but lowered them when they saw the person staring back at them.

Yelena looked at her friend and hugged her.
"You're all.. grown up!"
The two laughed and hugged again.

"I missed you so much cass."

"I missed you too."

Yelena went to the door and closed it, then walked into the kitchen to pour a drink.

She offered the younger girl.

"I'll remind you that I only just turned 18, but thanks."
Cassie took the shot glass and drank it without flinching.

"Not a lightweight huh?"
The blonde chucked and drank hers.

The avenger found it strange to see Yelena wearing casual clothes and not a fight suit, but they soon caught up.

After half an hour the two were interrupted by someone opening the door. They looked at each other and stoop up, getting their guns out.

"I know you're out there."
Yelena called out walking closer to the door.

"I know you know I'm out here. So are we gonna talk like grown ups?"
An American accent replied. Cassie recognised that voice and walked a few steps behind Yelena.

The older woman nodded at the teen, telling her to stay behind the door.

"Is that what we are?"
The sisters came face to face.

"Drop it. Or I'll make you."
The woman with the Russian accent ordered her older sibling.

The two fought for a while, Cassie letting them dory this out themselves. She knew that neither could beat the other in a fight so she just let it happen.

"You've grown."
Natasha got up.

Yelena responded with 'no shit' in Russian. Cassie chuckled at that, getting Natasha's attention.

The redhead walked into the kitchen to see her friends daughter leaning against the wall with her arms crosses.

"What are you doing here Cassie?"
She pointed a gun at the brunette.

"Come on, shoot me. You know it won't do a thing."
The British girl laughed, getting another shot of vodka.

"You know, I came here because I thought you wouldn't."
Yelena said, also pouring herself a drink.

The trio talked for a while before something crashed through the ceiling. Lasers were everywhere and the three girls where all hiding behind walls.

"Motorbike, east side of the building."
Yelena whispered to the other two and they started running.

"Yeah great plan. I loved the part where I almost bled to death."
The blonde said to her sister sarcastically.
The three were in a small vent in a train station.

"Clint would like it here."
The now 18 year old said to the older avenger.

"Me and him spent three days up here after we tried to kill Drakov."
The American replied.

Yelena looked around again and then rested her forehead on Cassies shoulder.


Natasha came back with three bottles of beer and handed one each to the other two with her who were already sitting at the table.

"Thanks Natasha." The young girl said, taking a drink from the bottle.

"I think we know each other well enough for you to call me Nat." She smiled.
"You look so much like Tony. It's.."
She trailed off when she realised that Cassie was probably not on good terms with her father.

"It's fine. Thanks Nat."

The three caught up and then Natasha asked the two of them if they could help her track down Drakov and destroy the red room for good.
Obviously they both agreed and they then set off to get a helicopter.

"I thought you were supposed to be the best, like a real pro." Yelena said as they walked up to a man Cassie had never met before.

"I'm sorry Serena, was the free passport and lifetime supply of IDs not enough for your liking?"
The man retaliated sarcastically.

"Aww he's sensitive."
The blonde said, looking through a bag and taking out two snack bars. She handed one to Cassie and Natasha turned around to speak.

"Oh I stashed that like four years ago."

The other two still ate them anyway.

"How is it?" The oldest asked, looking at the girls.

"It's dry, it's really dry."
Yelena responded while Cassie spat it out on the floor making fake gagging noises and putting her tongue out.

"Yucky." She said, scrunching her nose at the other avenger.

They climbed onto the helicopter and put on their suits. It was snowy where they were going so they had white suits - easier to blend in.

(Cassies looked like this)

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(Cassies looked like this)

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