28 | AFTER

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"I made this, incase there was an untimely death on my part. So, Cassie, my first daughter. I'm sorry. I left before you were even born and you had to go through all that at HYDRA. I could have stopped it but I didn't even know who you were. I chose that because I was stupid.
I know that loosing Nat will be hard on you. But you'll get through it. I know you will. I hope Athena grows up to be as smart and amazing as you, you got it from me."

The hologram chuckled as he finished his sentence, his oldest daughter sat with Peter on a couch with Athena on her lap.

"I wish I could have been there when you got married. Both times, even if Loki did try to kill me. I know that even though you're loosing Natasha.. and your father, you'll be fine. You've got Peter and Wanda.. and Bucky, who I still don't approve of your friendship with. But I'm dead so.."

He gave a soft smile and then looked at Cassie, as if he knew she would sit there.
He did actually, whenever she came to see Morgan, she'd sit in that exact spot on the couch.

"Cassie, look after Morgan for me. And Peter too, I don't think Happy can babysit three of you."

He continued talking and Wanda placed a had on her shoulder, pulling her best friend close.

"I love you 3000."

Morgan hugged closer into Peppers side and looked to her sister, who had let a few tears fall.

Cassidy stood up and walked out, with Wanda following, leaving Athena on Peter's lap.

"Petey, what happened to auntie Nat?"

"She died so that your mom could be happy. She saved the world. So did Tony."

"Then why is Mumma sad?"

"Because auntie Nat's gone, she's not coming back and your Mumma's sad about that."

"I'm gon miss her."


"I just wish that there was a way to tell her."

"She knows, they both do."

The two friends hugged and stared over the lake, they had both lost the most important person to them, they couldn't afford to lose each other.

They walked back to the group and Wanda went to talk to Peter, leaving Cassie to go find Bucky and Steve.

After walking through the forest surrounding the lake house for a while, she found them with Sam and Bruce, Steve about to return the stones.

She hadn't seen Sam or Bucky since wakanda, when thanos bombed the compound, she got impaled on a metal rod.

———one week ago———

"Would you look at that, I've been impaled."

"Cassie this is not the time for jokes!"

"Clint, I'm fine, I prom-"

"Did you just pass out? Cassie?! Guys Cassie's down."

———back to present———

She limped her way over to Steve and gave him a hug, seeing as Bucky's back was tuned and he hadn't yet noticed that she was there.

"I'm not coming back."

"I know, I'll miss you fossil."

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