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STARK TOWER | ROOF | 11:32pm
it had been 10 minutes since what happened. Pietro unplugged the body and Thor used his lighting to.. activate it.
The couple were now sitting on the roof of stark tower, looking at the lights.
"Pietro.."  Cassie started still looking ahead.
"Yes, drága?" The silver haired teen asked, looking at the British girl beside him.
"Promise me you'll never leave?" The brunette looked down, not wanting to ever leave this moment.
The sokovian teen grabbed the bottom of Cassies chin, making her look at him.
"I promise." He said, before pulling her head towards him and kissing her.
A cough interrupted the young couple, causing them to pull away and look back towards the door.
"Your dad said he needs you in the lab." Clint said, whilst walking back inside.
"Dad?" Cassie called out, looking for her father.
A black box, similar to the one her suit came in, sat on the desk in front of her with a note on top that read 'on the 5th floor, come up after you've opened -t.s'
The youngest avenger opened the box to this

s' The youngest avenger opened the box to this

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She put it on and headed upstairs.
"A new suit? Already?"
Everyone looked up and Tony walked around the counter to take a beer out of the fridge.
"Well, we'll be fighting ultron soon so I made some updates to it. You now have space for guns and it's more flexible for if you're in a hand to hand fight without magic."

The avengers were evacuating the city for the fight.
Ultron was here and ready for a war. The avengers were.. about as ready as you would be to fight a robot army with only 9 people. Well, 8 until they find Natasha.
"So maybe we could get McDonald's after the fight, huh?" Wanda asked in her strong sokovian accent.
"Well what else would you do after killing a pretty much un-kill-able robot who wants nothing but genocide?" Cassie said back, smiling at her friend.
"Without Pietro. You two can go do something else another time. I want time with my best friend." 
The older of the two said, red magic covering her hands.
"Of course." The curly haired girl chuckled.

———time skip———
"Is everyone on the helicarriers?"
"Yes, go."
Wanda was protecting the core, while Cassie and Pietro got the citizens onto the helicarriers.
"I'm not leaving without you"
A robot flew towards the trio and Wanda destroyed it with a flick of her hand.
"I'll be fine."
"Don't die!" Cassie said, grabbing her boyfriends hand and slowly walking away.
"You know, I'm twelve minutes older than you" the silver haired boy said, turning to look at his sister.

Cassie and Pietro were on a helicarrier, when she saw Clint about to get shot by ultron, who was in the quinjet.
Pietro noticed this too, and placed a small kiss on the brunettes lips.
"I love you."

Before she could respond, Pietro was lying on the floor, covered in shot wounds.
She ran towards him and stopped half way, making eye contact with Clint who was in shock.
Cassie looked at his body and fell to her knees screaming.
Purple magic flew in all directions, obliterating the robots near her. As soon as Steve heard her scream he ran over to her.
The captain held the small girl while she cried.
He picked her up and put her on the helicarrier with Clint who put his arm around her while she cried into his shoulder.

"He promised he wouldn't leave me"

um this book isn't even nearly finished ;))
This isn't a Pietro maximoff fanfic😀
It's about Cassies life if she was an MCU character

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