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I was standing on a jeep with Natasha driving and Clint shooting arrows at anyone in sight. This is where Wanda and Pietro are. I could see them again. I was so happy I didn't see the hundred HYDRA agents running towards us.
"Cassie, now might be a good time for some magic." Natasha shouted, dodging out of the way of some bullets.
I lifted the agents into the air and threw them back on the ground, all going unconscious from the fall.
"Shit!" Tony shouted through the earpiece.
"Language." Steve replied, unamused.
Cassie laughed at how much of an old man Steve was.

Clint and I stood in the forest, hiding behind trees.
He shot an arrow towards a bunker, but a blue flash stopped it. I know that flash.
I stepped out from behind the tree, so did Clint - which was a mistake.
Clint got hit and fell down.
"Clint!" Natasha rushed to his side.
"You didn't see that coming?" A voice called out.
I know that voice. I looked up to see my boyfriend standing in front of me. I chucked the earpiece on the floor and he picked me up. In a second we were about half a mile away from the fight - also nocking Steve down in the process.

The silver haired boy put his girlfriend down. She grabbed his head and pulled him into a kiss. He wrapped his hand around her waist, not wanting to let go and loose her again.
Cassie pulled away from the kiss and put her arms around his neck, their foreheads touching.
"I missed you, drága." Pietro said, looking into her purple eyes.
"I missed you too." She replied, tracing his jawline with her fingers.
"What are you doing here Cassidy? Its dangerous." The older teen asked, concerned for her safety.
"It's Cassie now and I'm an avenger." She said smiling.
"So you're going to save the world Cassie?" The taller boy teased.
"I'm saving you from Strucker aren't I?" The British girl said, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm not the world." Pietro stated, looking at her dark pink painted lips.
"You're my world." Before he could respond, she kissed him again.
Which was shortly interrupted by a motorbike approaching.
"I see you again?" Pietro asked, pulling away.
"Soon. I love you." Cassie assured. Looking into his blue eyes once again.
"I love you too dràga." And in a split second, he was gone.
"Hop on, we're done here." Natasha pulled up to where she was standing.

They got back on the jet and Cassie sat my down next to Bruce.
"Any other 80s movies you know?" She asked, laying her head on his shoulder.
"If you're up for a horror then we always have nightmare on elm street?" The doctor replied quietly.
"That would be nice."
"Good work out there today." Natasha said to Cassie who looked up, surprised by what she had said.
"Thanks Natasha." She smiled.

Tony and Cassie were in the lab, Tony teaching her how to make a suit like the one he has.
"Jarvis tell the team that we're throwing a party."
Tony ordered the AI.
"Will do sir." JARVIS replied.
"A party?" Cassie questioned, raising an eyebrow at her father.
"To celebrate taking down the last HYDRA base, getting Loki's septer.. you seeing your boyfriend again.." Tony said walking around the lab.
"How do you know about that?" His daughter asked, suspicious about who told him.
"Clint told me."
Cassie made a mental note to never trust Clint with secrets again.
Before her father could say anything else she ran off to her room and changing into her training outfit - a white long sleeve crop top with army green baggy sweatpants, which rested on her hips, exposing he stomach and bringing out her hourglass figure.
Cassie walked over to Natasha's room, and knocked on the door. She opened it with an angry look on her face.
"What?" The redhead towered over the teen, who simply said,
"You can either hate me forever, or come train with me. Your call. I'll be downstairs." She then walked away into the lift, leaving the older assassin standing in her door frame.
She went back into her room and changed into black leggings and a light green top.

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