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Cassandra stark? Cassidy opened her file, it read:
Birth name: Cassandra stark
Mother: Victoria Castrol
Father: Anthony stark
Heritage: English,American,Italian,Russian,Spanish
D.O.B: 13/6/1999

So Cassandra? That's her real name? Lovely, I love being lied to about my name and family. She was obviously angry by the look on her face.

"I'm sorry дорогой, see something you don't like?" Pietro said with a smirk.

"You wipe that smile off your face or I'll make you, cabrona" The girl replied, a sarcastic smile resting on her lips.

"You might want to shut your pretty mouth, красивая, before I make you." The silver haired boy shot back, unimpressed with the Brit.

"I'd like to see you try, idiota ." Cassidy snapped, her head moving in his direction, making her curls bounce around her shoulders, framing her face.

"Did you just call me an idiot?" Pietro asked, no longer liking this conversation.

"Nope. 'Called you dipshit." The dark haired girl said, smiling sarcastically again, it was a habit of hers to say something mean and then give a bitchy smile.

She wondered who Anthony stark was, she always knew her mother, but she never met her dad. She didn't know if she wanted to go by Cassidy or Cassandra.

She decided it would be Cassie for now. Cassie Sinclair. Until she met her father or found out who he was.

"England or New York?" James called out from behind her, walking out the jet.

"I'll go to Budapest. Take Cassie to New York. Find her father." Yelena shouted from on top of the jet, fixing an engine.

"Alright then.. But what about the twins?" James questioned the blonde girl who had just jumped off of a 20 foot tall jet and landed without a scratch.

"We will stay here." Wanda said, answering the question.

"But ehh, I see you again?" Pietro asked, looking at Cassie.

"What? Oh.. yeah, of course."


"So what's going on with you and that speedy kid?" Yelena said, smirking at the younger girl in front of her.

"Nothing, just.. bit o' flirting.nothing serious. " Cassie said, visibly uncomfortable talking about a guy with Yelena, knowing that she would tease her about it later.

"He's cute you should ask him out." Yelena shouted over that sound of the engine. Obviously this caught James' attention since his head shot up in the girl's direction.

"Maybe.. if I ever see him again." Cassie said tying her hair in a low bun.


"I'll miss you." Cassie said, nearly crying.

"Don't worry about it, I'll come visit." Yelena replied, hugging the shorter girl.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible." An American voice said, turning the girls attention towards him.

"Who are you?" Cassie asked, slightly scared that she might never see her best friend again.

"The names Alexander pierce, most call me mr secretary." The American man said.

"Grab 'em." He called out and lots of agents came running in. Most with guns and some with tasers.

"Make a move and we kill blondie." He said, pointing multiple guns at her.

"Ship her off to drakov. We'll have the witch and the soldier." The American man was calling out orders and soon enough Cassie and James were in a van with no way of escaping, on the way to a HYDRA base.


Cassie felt dead. It had been two weeks. She had been injected with countless drugs and had her blood taken 10 times a day.

There was no colour in her face. She had lost weight too. She had been on missions with James.

Or soldat now. He had been brainwashed. He didn't know her. She knew he never would remember her and that she would never see Yelena again.

But she didn't want to accept that. Not yet. She kept telling herself that she would escape or that Yelena would come save her.

It never happened.

So, after a month of being experimented on, she finally admitted that it would never happen. She'd be stuck at HYDRA forever.

"Get up, your going on a mission with the soldier."
Rumlows voice echoed in her almost empty cell.

"Drop dead rumlow." Cassie replied, not wanting to deal with his bullshit at 6 in the morning.

"Charming Sinclair, honestly." He said, obvious sarcasm in his voice.

"Or you know, we could shoot him dead. Your call." He walked out the room after saying that.

Cassie punched a hole in the wall, that was the 17th one since she arrived. The short tempered brit didn't like being told what to do or when to do it. But she'd do anything for James and Yelena.

"I want you to kill these people." Pierce said, holding up a picture of a red haired woman and a tall blonde man.

"Who are they?" Cassie asked, wanting to know more about them. They were both quite attractive- the redhead and the blonde.

"Unimportant. This will be your only mission before you, purple eyes, go back to sokovia." He responded, looking at Cassie.

Her powers had developed recently, some of the veins on her wrist glowed purple and so did her eyes.

Her suit was black latex leggings- which were surprisingly easy to movie in -and a purple leather corset with a leather jacket, the same colour as her powers.

(Like wanda's civil war suit but purple)

"When do we leave?" She asked, tying her hair in a high ponytail, leaving two front strands out.

Her hair now went down to her elbows when it was up and her waist when it was open.

"Now." As soon as he said that, she opened a portal, and stepped through.

It was one of her abilities, opening portals to anywhere in the universe. The edges of the portal glowed purple.

The soldier stepped through and they made their way through a forest, towards where the targets would be.

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