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Unfortunately for Cassidy, the new plan meant her staying in the ship and not doing anything while everyone else fought against thanos.

After about thirty seconds, she got bored and walked out of the ship.. only to be slapped in the face with a moon.

The hit caught her off guard and she fell unconscious, hitting the floor with a thud that only Peter seemed to notice.

When she woke up, the three guardians and two avengers sat still, all looking a mix of sadness and disappointment.

Peter sat next to her and sat up straight when he saw her shift back into consciousness. She slowly opened her eyes and in a raspy voice asked

"What happened?"

Everyone sat in silence for a moment before Peter answered.

"Thanos got the stone, he's headed for earth."

The young Stark jumped up and hugged her friend.

"I'm gonna stop him. Don't die while gone, ok?"

"Ok. I promise."

The two hugged again and she bid farewell to the rest, before opening a portal to where he was.

"You should have gone for the head."

He snapped his fingers and met eyes with her brother in law.

"What did you do?"

He shouted, but the Titan simply disappeared.

"Thor? What did he do?"

The star spangled man spoke, turning her attention to behind her. She stared at the man behind him.


She ran forward, but was too late, he turned to dust.

She knew what was happen and stood up.


She shouted, looking around for her friend.


She sprinted towards the voice but once again was too late.

The brunette fell to her knees and screamed, purple energy flew through the forest, trees fell out of the ground and shattered to pieces.

Luckily for the avengers they knew that to avoid being hit by the energy you just have to duck.

She stayed by the pile of dust, silently sobbing when she felt a hand on the back of her head, expecting to see a familiar redhead shocked her when she realised that her friend was now blonde.

The widow crouched down and bought her into a hug.

"I couldn't stop him."

She managed to get out, but the older woman only nodded and stoked her hair.

They stayed like that and eventually all of the remaining avengers stood there.

Her heart sank to see that Sam wasn't there, she got quite close with him in the time they knew each other.

Her mind instantly went to Peter, the teen who she considered a younger brother and best friend. In the corner of her eye she saw Natasha put a hand on her vest, and didn't need to read her him to know she thought of Yelena.

Eventually they all made their way back to the compound. She took a shower and looked around her old room. All of her old clothes were there, so she changed into a black long sleeve mini dress and put on her heeled combat boots.

She made her way to Natasha's room and sat down next to her.

"She's gone too, isn't she?"

"Yeah.. she is."

The two cried and ended up falling asleep in her bed.

When she woke, Cassidy put her shoes back on and made her way to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Two weeks passed and it was the same thing every day.

Cassie would sleep in Natasha's bed with her, then go to her room and shower. She would eat a bowl of coco pops with whatever strange food craving she had of the day and then they would search for thanos.

She always wondered if her father had been snapped and whether she would ever be able to forgive him for the fight with Steve.

Truth is, she forgave him the second he apologised and just didn't tell him.

It was about 9:30 and she sat on a desk chair, spinning around while eating black olives out of the jar when the guardians ship landed in the front.

They all rushed outside and saw a blonde woman, who seemed to be glowing, had carried the ship down to earth.

A blue woman came out of the ship and was slowly followed by her father. But to her dismay, no Peter.


She ran forward and hugged him.

"I'm sorry Cass."

They let go of the hug and she looked pats him, in search of her favourite spider.

"I lost the kid."

That was Natasha's cue to put her arm around Cassies shoulders and slowly lead her back inside.

They went to her room and the brunette pushed her head into her friends shoulder and cried. They sat there for a while before she lifted up her head.

The blonde wipes her friend's eyes, keeping her hand on her cheek after.

They stared at the other and Cassie looked down to her lips and then back to her eyes.

She slowly moved her head closer, stopping when they were only centimetres apart.


Cassidy placed a soft kiss on her lips and pulled away.

"I'm sorry."

She ran out and went back to her bedroom where she slid down the door and cried. She had lost so much recently and now she might loose Natasha too and that broke her.

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