31 | CHAOS

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"This is chaos magic Wanda! And that makes you.. the Scarlet Witch."

"I'm not who you say I am!"

A blast of purple manic shot through the air and Agatha went flying into a wall.

"You shouldn't have started this Agatha!"

"Ultraviolet, and the Scarlet Witch. The two destined to destroy the universe. You two are going to kill everyone you love and suffer because of it. Pietro, Natasha, Tony, your mother, your son. You killed them. You did!"

"Shut up!"

"That Romanoff jumped on vormir because of you. You killed your own wife without realising it! You will never be capable of happiness! You will outlive everyone you care about and spend your life suffering! ..until you destroy the entire universe."

Cassie was frozen in shock and Wanda threw an energy blast at the person speaking, helping up her friend and looking her in the eyes.

"Go home Cassie.."


"This is my mess. I'll fix it. Find Bucky. Find Yelena. I'll be fine."

"I'm not leaving you here."

She sent a purple blast to Agatha, keeping her frozen in place.

"Cassie, please. I'll come find you in a few weeks once everything's calmed down. I can handle it. I have vision, Tommy, billy. Go home."

"They'll disappear when you take down the hex. I won't let you go through that alone. Now go be a hero and take care of Agatha."

Wanda have her a nod and flew over to Agatha while Cassie ran over to her godsons and daughter.

"Aunt Cassie!"


"Hey kids, billy, Tommy, your mom's gonna handle this. For now go find your dad."

"Stop. Right. There."

Hayward stepped out of a car and Monica ran up to them, making short eye contact with Cassie.

He aimed at the three children fired five shots.  Monica jumped in the way and four bullets simply faxed through her, falling to the ground.

The last one..



The five year old fell to the floor and Cassie dropped to her knees, tears falling as she held her dying daughter.

"I don't wanna go, momma. I dont,"

She trailed off and Cassie silently sobbed.

Wanda made her way over and placed a hand on her back, pulling her up to stand.

The brunette carried her daughter to her house in Westview and lay her body down on her bed.

"мне жаль мою дочь"

She cried and with a wave of her magic the body was gone, buried at the graveyard where her wife's gravestone was.

She sat on her porch stared as Wanda's red magic slowly seeped back, releasing the town from her unintentional control.

Before she knew it, it was morning. Wanda pulled up outside and Cassie got in the car.

Yah two had both been through exactly the same thing.

Cassie's parents died when she was eight. Wanda's parents died when she was ten. They both lost Pietro. Then Cassie lost Loki the same time Wanda lost vision.

They had both lost 2 children. Cassie lost Wanda to the blip. She had to loose Natasha to get Wanda back.

Now, she felt the overwhelming feeling of loss again.

She thought back to her life when she first became an avenger. After pietro died and when she first met peter.

She felt bad. He had lost tony too. He was as much a father to her as he was to him.

So she made the decision to go see him.

"You're going to see the kid?"

Wanda said, more of a statement than a question.

"Yeah, just pull over. I'll portal to him."

Wanda parked the car at the side of the road and the two women got out.

"Go see peter, see how he's doing.. But look after yourself, please."

"Of course. Yeah, I will. But you have to too. Look after yourself.. and do go creating any more realities."

The duo chuckled and hugged before Wanda got back in the car and Cassie opened a portal to aunt Mays apartment."

She knocked on the door and the kind woman answered it.

"Hi May, is peter here?"

"He's just in his room, come on in. Peter! There's someone here to see you!."

She ushered her inside and they waited in the kitchen for the teen.


"Hey Pete!"

Cassie, being the taller of the two, put her arm round his shoulders and they stayed stood like that while the three caught up.


Yes I changed it again I'm so sorry but I'm indecisive asf so the next chapters will be set during Spider-Man far from home and no way home

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