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I walked downstairs to see the rest of the avengers looking.. different? Not happy, a bit angry, and pretty much everyone was looking mad at Tony. I made a cup of coffee and walked towards where everyone was.
"Hey guys."
"Morning Cassie." Steve said, not looking up.
Everyone else just mumbled quiet 'hey's or 'morning's.
"What's up with everyone today?" The teen asked, looking around.
"Tony created a robot that wants us dead." Clint stated, not looking up.
"He didn't say dead, he said extinct." Bruce corrected.
"What are we gonna do? Can't you just like.. hack the robots programming and shut it down?" Cassie questioned, looking towards the direction of Bruce and her father.
"Already tried. We'll have to find some other way to kill him." Tony said while tapping buttons on a screen.
"We have a location on ultron!" The billionaire shouted to Steve and Banner.
"I'll go get Cassie and Nat. Jarvis tell Clint to suit up." Steve said, walking towards the elevator.

"Come on hit me." Cassie said, smiling.
I punched her straight in the nose as hard as i could.
"I said hit me!" She laughed, god I hate this kid.
I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not like I hate her, I just hate the fact that she's stronger than me and that she's closer with my own sister than I am.
"Stark has a location on ultron, suit up and meet us at the jet. 10 minutes." Steve said as he walked in.
"Roger that." I walked out, towards my room.
I heard Cassies footsteps following a few steps behind me.
The 15 seconds in the elevator was.. awkward, to say the least. When it got to her floor, Cassie practically ran away from me. I don't like the girl but I don't want her to hate me.
What am I saying? I hate her.
I sat as far away from Natasha as I could. I have no idea why she hates me. Instead of trying to socialise or make conversation with anyone I put in my headphones and listened to my music so loud that everyone else could probably hear it too.
"Oh junior, you're gonna break your old mans heart." Tony said to the robot in front of him, Thor and Steve.
Cassie jumped down from the ceiling - her suit allowed her to climb up walls - and landed in the same kind of pose Natasha does.
"That was weird." The British girl said, standing up.

She looked up, her purple eyes meeting a familiar pair of silver orbs. She averted her gaze, only to see her best friend standing before her.. with the person who was trying to kill her.
The two girls stared at each other for a while, neither hearing what anyone else was saying.
Until the younger of the pair got blasted sideways throw a railing, falling downwards and hitting the floor with a thud.
Before she could move, she was outside the quinjet, a blue flash going back into the building.
"Cassie! are you alright?" Bruce rushed over, just as she collapsed.

I woke up to a quiet beeping noise and an unfamiliar bed. Looking up, I saw Tony and Steve arguing outside the door. The world was spinning slightly.
"You're awake." Bruce said with a smile.
"What happened to me?" I asked, feeling a plaster on my forehead.
"You got hit. You fell about 15 feet and landed on your head. Lucky you don't have brain damage." Banner replied, checking my heart rate.
"I understand that your angry at her but you have to listen to her point of view!" A female voice shouted from outside the door.
"Nat's right Tony, as much I want to know Cassies relation with the two, we can't just assume things before asking her!" Another voice shouted, this one belonged to a man.
My head was spinning and I couldn't register what was happening. Before I knew it the world was black and all I could hear was muffled shouts.
Cassie was unconscious for two days before waking back up. Turns out she hit her head a lot harder than Banner thought.
It had been three days since she woke up and now was watching a karate kid movie on her own while the rest of the avengers- other than Tony, Bruce and Thor- were out finding ultron.
Thor had seen something in a dream and went to see a friend about it, while Tony and Bruce were in the lab preparing for something that they wouldn't tell Cassie about.
After the movie finished the teen had a shower and then changed into comfier clothes - a black crop top with long sleeves, paired with dark green baggy sweatpants that rested on her hips, showing off her hourglass figure - and some black hightop converse.
Her brown curly hair was placed into a loose messy bun, with small strands out at the front.

The young stark made her way down the stairs towards the kitchen, where she grabbed some maltesers, and then into the lab where Bruce and her father were waiting for Steve to get back.
Clint had returned about half an hour ago with the cradle that contained the body ultron was building.

After conversing with the two for about 5 minutes, Cassie heard Steve come into the room saying,
"Shut it down."
Him and her father argued for a minute before she heard Bruce ask
"How do we know that she's not in your head?"
A familiar sokovian accent got her attention.
"I know you're angry-"
"Oh I'm way past that, I could choke the life out of you and not change a shade." Bruce interrupted.
Cassie was staring at her friend, not knowing what to do or say. When Wanda finally looked around and saw who else was in the room, her and the British teen made eye contact for about 10 seconds before tony asked,
"Oh yeah, that reminds me," he started, before turning his attention towards Cassie.
"How do you know these two? And don't say you don't, because we know that you do." All eyes were on her when she realised that both maximoffs were in the room with her.
She stated at Pietro before looking at her father and rolling up her sleeve to reveal a 'W.M' on her wrist.
Tony looking at the other girl in the room and then her twin brother.
The curly haired teen waited for a reaction from the billionaire.
"So he's the boyfriend?" Tony asked, looking towards his daughter.
Pietro picked up on this and smirked at the fact that his girlfriend had told her father about him.
"Well.. yes.." Cassie answered quietly.
"I don't like him."

I can't wait to write the next couple chapters with the fight in sokovia

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