17 | LOKI

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Cassie had been in Asgard for 2 months now. Frigga had been teaching her how to teleport and use other Asgardian magic.

Her and Sif had been training a lot together. Sif taught her how to use Asgardian weapons and fight without her powers.

Thor left Asgard to find the infinity stones. Him and Loki had gone to earth a few weeks ago, Loki died fighting the evil elves. Cassie wanted to go but Thor had promised Tony to keep her out of harms way and wouldn't let her go.

She had been back to earth to visit Wanda and Peter a few times. She even saw Yelena and Bucky - not at the same time. Yelena was in Budapest, Bucky was in Germany.

Everyone had changed. Peter got a new suit. Wanda was ginger, which resulted in Cassie calling her Ginny weasly for a time. Bucky had his memory back and could remember Cassie again. Yelena was pretty much the same but drank vodka instead of water. Only now she wants a dog.

For a while Cassie thought that everything was going to be fine.

Until she accidentally read Odins mind, to find out that he wasn't Odin but actually Loki pretending to be Odin and that Loki was alive.

Cassie walked into the throne room to see 'Odin' sitting on the throne. She walked past him using her magic to give him a vision.

Cassie left the room leaving the prince of Asgard confused, and worried about how many others knew.

The midguardian had used telekinesis to show him her walking past his room and seeing him turn from Odin to Loki.

A week later, after the two shared lots of intense eye contact and telepathic conversations, the god stormed into the nearly 18 year olds room while she was putting lipstick on.

"How do you know?"

"Darling, I know everything."
The teen said, before bursting into laughter.
"Sorry, I just wanted to sound cool and mysterious. I saw you do that little gold transform-y thing."

The god of mischief stared at her for a moment.
A thin chain with a small key went down her neck, drawing attention to her chest, which was barely covered by a black corset. Her purple tartan skirt showed almost all of her thighs and went up to her thin waist.
The brunette raked a hand though her curly hair and looked up at the man who was now standing only centimetres away from her.

When she noticed he was staring at her she pushed her chest out more and bit her lower lip to tease him.

"Looking at something?"

Loki walked out without a word, slamming the door behind him. Cassie waited a moment before quietly giggling at how flustered he got. She made a mental note to tease him more often.
After another week in the planet, the young stark found that she didn't find much here fun, so she put all her efforts into tormenting Loki.

However after a couple days of just flirting with him, she got bored of that too. So, she resorted to only wearing short skirts and low cut tops around the castle.

Frigga had died and Odin and Thor were gone. It was only Cassie and Loki left in the royal part of Asgard.

It was a bit awkward between the two, until the night when Sif came to train with Cassie.

"You could cut the sexual tension between you two with a knife."
The goddess of war said, punching a dummy.

"Dude he's like, 50 thousand years older than me."
The avenger argued, drinking some water.

"He's 1050, and he's younger than Thor."

"Who isn't younger than Thor?"

"The second you turn 18-"

"I'm 17! Still two more weeks!"

I love Sif

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