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She woke up in a dark room. there was a clock on the wall that read 02:37.


Cassidy knew it was a bad idea. she couldn't move. or talk. she tried to speak but all was heard was a croaking noise.

what the fuck.

she was thinking, mainly curse words and how she should have listened to Yelena, but also how to get out. Cassidy stood up. and then fell down.

this is gonna be easy.

"You know being sarcastic isnt going to help you escape." a voice said from across the room.

"нет дерьма" she responded, translating to 'no shit' in russian.

"I can get Yelena if you want." the voice had a sokovian accent. It belonged to a woman.

"ho.. how do you...know Y..Yelena?" Cassidy responded, choking and coghing between words.

"I am Wanda. Maximoff" the voice said, and stepped out of the shadows, revealing a taller girl with dark brown hair, a dark red dress and a black zip up hoodie, with knee high heeled boots.

"the en..enhanced?" She replied, confused as to what the girls abilities were.

"Yes. exuse me for a moment i'm going to get your friends." the older girl said, then walked out of the room.

when she opened the door, cassidy heard her say to someone outsise the door 'dont bother her.'
once the door was closed, cassidy was in the dark again, alone.

a blue blur went past her and she looked up to see a man in front of her. he had brown hair like wanda, except the ends were silver. The shirt he wore waas grey and blue, with black jeans and a black hoodie.

"I see you've met my sister." the silver haired man stated.

"who are you? who's your sister?" the younger girl asked, confusion heard in her voice.

"I'm pietro Maximoff. Wandas twin brother." He responded, his blue eyes stared into her brown ones.

When cassidy shifted uncomfortably, he smirked at her and in the blink of an eye, he was sitting next to her.

"how did you do that?" the curly haired teen asked, wantingto know more about his abilities, other than moving quickly.

"i was enhanced, like you." pietro replied, his accent was strong. cassidy liked it. the sound of his voice.

she may not have realised it but she has a thing for men - and possibly women - with accents.

they sat there for a while in silence. not an awkward silence, a comfortable silence.

"so, дорогой, what are your abilities?" the sokovian teen asked, curious to know more about the short british girl.

"i dont know yet." she responed, trying not to make eye contaact with the atractive man sitting next to her.

"mind reading." he said, leaving her confused. "and moving things with your mind." pietro said, making the girl beside look even more confused. she stared at him, waiting for an explanation.

"you stopped the bullet with your mind.. and all those voices were other peoples thoughts." the older teen said, looking at the pretty 14 year old.

"wow.. i didnt know that." cassisy replied, her accent making it sound like she said ah instead of I. The sokovian teen chuckled at this and stood up.

"Get up. we're leaving." He held out his hand to help her up.

"Yelena broke into Drakovs office and stole youe files along with the soldier and her own. There will be no record of you here or being enhanced." Cassidy was shocked.

she didnt know what to say. suddenly she was outside infront of a jet, with someones arm around her waist, and the other underneath her legs, carrying her.

"What. The. Fuck." she said, wondering what just happened.

"you know i only just met you, but you do curse an awful lot." wandas voice called out from behind her. she turned around but before she could respond

"you get used to it after a while" Yelena replied

"Yep, then you hear it so much, you forget that its bad. Hey Cassie." the winter soldier said as he stepped out of the jet.

"hello soldat" the british girl replied, happy to see her friend.

"it's actually James, James  Buchanan Barnes." he said, holding uup his file.

He then handed her a file that read


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