♧︎︎︎Third year; Intruder Aboard the Train♧︎︎︎

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"Hello everyone! My name is Y/n L/n and well, this is the story of how I met the most wonderful man and love of my life, Harry Potter."

"Love, remember keep to the intro."

"Yes, yes I know. Now where do we begin? Ah yes. Here we go."

Y/n's POV

I lay tossing and turning in bed trying to fall back asleep, that is until my alarm begins to blare loudly.

"Ughhh noooo turn offff you stupid alarm, " I say to myself while trying to hit the snooze button on the alarm beside my bed, until the time catches my eyes. It currently reads 7:19, shit.

I quickly jump out of my bed and race down the stairs and towards my mother, "Your breakfast is on the table, hurry up and eat so we can get you on the train in time." Today is the day I leave for Hogwarts again, my third year at last.

"Good morning, Mother......Y/n" My brother Jacob spat, saying my name like its venom. "Jacob" I spat back. Surprisingly Mum is a wizard, but the rest of my family are muggles. Jacob says that magic is stupid and people who practice it are freaks. What he doesn't know is that our mum is a witch.

"Jacob, be nice to your sister and sit down and eat," Mum says while Jacob huffs and reluctantly sits down beside me.

"Thanks for breakfast mum," I say, finishing my toast and turning on my feet running back upstairs to get ready for the train ride. I brush my hair and teeth while listening to some music once I check the time it's 8:20. "Come on Y/n we got to get going! If you want to meet up with the others," Dad shouts from the end of the staircase.

"Ok I'm coming!" I shout back and run down the stairs with my trunk and Owl, O/n, after the drive there in the car with Mum, she takes me to the leaky cauldron. Once we step out of the car, I give Mum a hug and say my goodbyes, "I'll make sure to send you many letters mum."

"You better or I will march my arse up there and check on you myself," she says, and I giggle while walking inside with my luggage. First thing when I enter Mrs. Weasley engulfs me in a hug, "Y/n!" She smiles happily.

"Hello Mrs. Weasley" I hug her back, "Please dear, call me Molly," he reminds me "Um right will do, how about Mrs. Mum instead? "I smirk, and she laughs, "Whatever dear!" I then turn to see Ron with Scabbers in his hands, "Bloody hell Y/n took you forever."

"Yeah, yeah whatever, I had to finish packing also" I respond in a snarky tone, "Y/n!" Hermoine says giving me a hug, "Hey 'Mione, is Harry coming yet?" Ron smirks, "Be patient Y/n your lover will be here soon, he's finished getting dressed."

I gap my mouth open, staring at him blankly "What?! Lover- The hell are you on about!?"

Hermione smacks Rons shoulder, "Oh leave them alone, they are too oblivious to see it themselves right now."

"Ok what the hell are you guys going on about, I do not love Har-"

"You don't love who?" Harry says walking up behind me, "Harry! Nothing they're just being gits," I say, giving him a hug. "Oh, alright then" Harry replies, hugging me back. "5 galleons they get together by end of their 5th year" Fred says whispering to George, "You're on" George replies also in a whisper.

 "Brothers!!" I shout, rushing over to the twins and hugging them both. Pretending as if I didn't hear them make a sneaky bet.

"Ello Weasel!" They say in unison, returning the hug.

After some time, to our surprise Mr. Weasley- or well Mr. Dad pulls Harry out of the room leaving Hermoine, Ron and I alone for some time.

"Think something happened?" I ponder, sitting across from my friends since our first year. "I've heard a few things about his safety being a concern this year between Mum and Dad." Ron admits, petting Scabbers a bit aggressively. 

When Harry does return, he goes to say something before being cut off by Arthur. "Ok kids let's get a move on to the train then, don't wanna miss it."


"I wonder who he is, '' Ron quizzes, pointing out the guy sitting in the last booth available. 

"His name is R.J. Lupin" Hermione replies, "Bloody hell she really does know everything" Ron says in shock. 

"It's on his suitcase Ronald," I reply, shaking my head in disappointment. Ron rolls his eyes, picking his seat. "Do you think he's truly asleep?" Harry asks, "Looks like it to me," I say sitting next to Harry.

"Brilliant because I have something to tell you a lot," he says, closing the compartment door.

As Harold explains everything to us about Arthur warning him about Sirius Black, we were all in shock. "Merlin, I wonder why he told you all that," I give a puzzled look.

 "I haven't the faintest clue," Harry says but then the train begins to slow down, "He said it would all..." The train slowly comes to a stop, the wheels screeching under the heavy metal.  "You don't think we're here already, do you?" Ron says looking out of the window.

"We can't be, it's not been near long enough" I state also looking out the window of the train, "We've only been on the tracks less than two hours." Ron groans in complaint to the left-over timeframe.

As the temperature drops drastically, the windows frost over and so does the door. Shivers begin to crawl up my spine as my body starts shivering, out of instinct I nuzzle my way a bit closer to Harry, looking for a source of warmth.

 He wraps his arm around my shoulder, as I turn my head to see something almost floating towards our compartment before it opens the door.

Just before the darkness fully consumes me, the sound of two women screaming frightens me. Especially the fact that one of them screamed my name.

When I wake up a few minutes after Harold I groan, rubbing my head as I sit up, "Glad to see you awake Y/n, have some chocolate it will help." The man from earlier states handing me some chocolate before walking off.

I stare at it for a moment inspecting it almost, "It's alright N/n it's safe to eat," Harold tells me whispering into my ear, and with that I take a bite of the chocolate eating slowly.

"Did you guys pass out too?" I ask after finishing the chocolate.

Hermione looks at Ron then back at me, "No just you and Harry did."

"Did you not hear the screaming?" I give them a confused look. "I heard it, but they didn't," Harry tells me. "Ok then... good night," I say. With a pounding in my head, I lay my head on Harry's shoulder, deciding it best to worry about it later and allow myself to drift off. 

I could only imagine the color of Harold's face as the other two smirk at us and whisper to one another.

What do you all think of the first chapter?

Word count: 1186
Don't be a ghost reader!

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now