⚡Summer; Family Accusations ⚡

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Y/n's POV

"Do when did you get here?" Harry asks Hermione, watching the burning paper as it slowly burns to keep us warm. "A few days.. Though for a while I wasn't sure I was coming"

"Mum sort of lost it last week. Said Ginny, and I had no business going back to Hogwarts. That it's too dangerous" Ron tells Harry the story he had already told me hours earlier.

"Seriously?" Harry groans, "Nope, that's my father" Hermione nudges me sighing and i laugh.

"Even my parents, and they're muggles, even they know somethings happening"

"Anyway, Dad stepped in, told her she was being barmy and it took a few days but she came around" Ron looks down at the now charring paper.

"But it's Hogwarts. It's Dumbledore. What could be safer?" Harry chimes and I jump into the conversation, "There's been a lot of talk recently that Dumbledore'a got a bit old"

"Rubbish! Well he's only...what even is he?" Harry fiddles with his wand in his hand, "Hundred and fifty? Give or take a few" Ron chimes, everyone paused for a moment before bursting into laughter.

"However old Dumbledore is- Maybe they're right...he has been very secretive lately and-"

Harry glares at me, cutting me off, "Y/n out of all people i never thought you'd doubt Dumbledore."

"I don't doubt him but what if-"

"You know what, i think its time i'm off"

Harry gets up to head to bed, the paper ceasing to burn with his receding footsteps. "I think i'll join him, we're going to Fred and Georges joke shop tomorrow anyway" Ron says and leaving the room as well.

"We should do the same N/n" Hermione helps me up off the ground. "Yeah..perhaps" I mumble, laying down in my own bed.

"Ok Y/n, it's high time you took your arm out of that silly sling" Mrs. Mums scolds me. I was told I could have taken it off two days ago but after seeing the scar it left, I'm scared to do it.

So far it had been over twenty minutes of fighting her tooth and nail over taking the sling off. No way is this about to come off.

"Y/n Camilla Black!" A familiar voice echos from the living space.

"Are you actually arguing to take off the very thing you hated from the start? Your gonna man up, take the damned thing off, -apologizes Mrs. Wealsey-" Harry shouts sternly, glaring at me.

I stare at him blankly, in shock he had just yelled at me. I stand closer to him and stare at him in the eyes, behind his round shaped glasses.



"I am not playing this game with you Potter, I know a waste of time when I see one" I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "Really now? If you did then you would see I was just the distraction. Your sling is off" The grin that shows upon his lips makes me wanna knock his lights out.

But, he was right. My sling was off and Hermione stood behind me with Mrs. Mum who were both cheering that it was finally off.

"Screw you all" I roll my eyes, but Harry's response to this resulted in a harsh punch to his arm.

"You wish Star" He speaks swiftly, and joins the others in the rejoice. That dick..

Every time I believe I'm over him or starting to be, I'm right back to square one. I just want to stop feeling this way.

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now