☾︎Seventh year: Oh baby☽︎

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Y/n's POV

"You're having a baby dear!"

Oh dear god.

I am not ready.

"Wai- wait! But. My water hasn't even- broken!?" I exclaim, in between the pain. "That's perfectly fine, by the looks of it your only five centimeters dilated. I'll come back once you progress further." She gives me a gentle smile before apparating back to Hogwarts.

Twelve hours later and my water still has not broken, however I am eight centimeters dilated. Which again Madam Pomfrey said was fine and gave me a muggles epidural.

 Tonks and Remus have both came by to help Dad out by watching me as well. After seeing how much pain I was in Tonks was terrified, then calmed down once I did when I got the epidural.

Dad was very much against the epidural since it was a muggle medicine, but he also didn't wish to see me in pain any longer than I already have been. I was still miserable; I didn't feel any pain but was still uncomfortable.

I managed to convince Dad and Tonks to play Go Fish with me again, despite our last experience playing. This time around Dad was a lot calmer, he still didn't understand the reason of playing.

"Ha! I win!" I shout placing down my final cards, Tonks and Dad both groan and throw their remaining cards down. I raise my arms in the air in victory and let out a loud gasp when I felt a rush of water between my legs.

"Merlin's beard! Her water broke!" Tonk exclaims, I let out another gasp as I feel another weird sensation in my body. "Umm Tonks, I hate to ask this but...could you please check?" I smile nervously, my cheeks feeling hot.

Without any words, reaction or anything Tonks checks below the sheets for me and lets out a squeal. "Someone contact Madam Pomfrey! I see her head!" Tonks exclaims with a giggle and my eyes widen.

Am I actually about to do this? Can I get a redo, please?


Dad was right.

"It's a girl! "Madam Pomfrey exclaims placing the crying baby on my chest. Tears of joy drips from my eyes as Madam Pomfrey cleans her up. It was quite easy; it was completely pain free thanks to the muggle epidural Madam had given me. Once Madam clamps the cord, she takes Lily to the other side of the room to prepare her to be fed.

Tonks helps me remove the shirt on my upper body to prepare for breastfeeding Lily, my boobs were so swollen from milk it had started becoming painful. Once wrapped up in the blanket Dumbledore had gifted me and an adorable lilac colored hat Bill and Fleur purchased. With a baby latched onto me I immediately changed my mind.

"Okay, I take it back. I would rather pump then do this." I groan in discomfort, slightly shifting my body. Madam Pomfrey and Tonks look at me strangely, but I ignore them and focus on the sweet baby girl in my arms.

The first week with a newborn was hell. Between waking up at three am with a baby and having to pump milk every two hours, I leak through my shirts. Bill and Fleur had brought me back to the shell cottage two days ago.

Lily Potter was an angel, despite the few minutes when she just wanted to be held, I would cry with her and just hold her until we both finally quit crying.

With Lily in one arm, swaddled tightly in her blanket, I shake a bottle in my other hand. Harry was missing all these moments that he'll never get back, and that thought hit me hard. My healing process was very quick thanks to magic, I hate my body now though.

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now