༄Fifth year; Friends again༄

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Y/n's POV

Lemme just say, it was definitly not a dream. The pain i felt after told me that bit, but ignored it the best i could and went on with my day anyway.

Harry seemed much more cheerful today and apparently I did as well since Hermione asked why I was so smiley today, i couldn't tell her though. How was i supposed to? Oh never felt better 'Mione, lost my v-card to my kinda sorta ex. Yeah, no.

But it was now Christmas day, everyone seemed happy at the dinner table while we all opened presents, Mrs. Mum had made me a scarf and her knitting skills may not have been the best but it was from the heart, which i would rather have then anything else. It looked amazing with my necklace on as well.

After making a toast to Harry who clearly seemed uncomfortable, i excuse myself from the table to see what was wrong, "Harry, everything alright?" I ask, walking into the Black family tree room

Harry closed the door behind us and sighed, "Y/n, I didn't just see the snake attack Mr. Weasley..It was almost as if i was the snake" He admits staring deep into my eyes

"Oh Harry...your not questioning if you did it are you?" My face turns, my eyebrows falling inward and a frown taking place upon my lips

When he doesn't respond and turns away from me instead, I then understand.

"Hazza, you are nothing like Voldemort. You are kind, caring, brilliant and one thing that he will never ever have is having the ability to love like you do" I smile softly at him, staring back into his emerald orbs that i still get lost in

"But Snape had told me that-" I quickly cut him off, "Since when have you ever listened to Greasy Snivvy" I scoff crossing my arms and he chuckles lightly

"Theres that famous Harry James Potter smile, now go on, get out there, and quit being such a party pooper. Mr. Dad is alive, don't be so negative, it's Christmas for bloody sake" I smile opening the door and shoving him on out

"Yeah alright, i will i will" Harry laughs, I missed hearing that laugh, it's like hearing my favorite song again for the first time every time

After that Christmas was spent only in happiness and joy, when it was time for everyone to head to bed Harry stops me and pulls me into a hug.

"Happy Christmas N/n"

"Happy Christmas to you as well Harry" I smile as he lets me go from the hug, and i enter my room to prepare for bed


"Kreacher! Enough of your bullshit!" I shout at the house elf who was bad mouthing Harry once again

"Yes Miss. Black" He mumbles before walking off once again, I scoff at the elf

"He's alright Y/n...mind if i ask you something?" Harry stands beside me staring at my place on the Black tapestry

"Yeah go for it" I respond, now looking at it as well

"Did you know that Sirius ran away...to my parents house?" Harry turns his head to me, staring into my eyes

He probably doesn't realize i know he's staring at me, but oh well.

"Yes..I did, Dad told me the beginning of summer, along with other things about our parents" I smile remembering the things he had told me

"Really? Like what?" He asks me, his body language now changing and more peppy then before

"Simple stories of the lot of them together, he says they always were up to something. Much like Fred, George and I" I chuckle

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now