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Y/n's POV

Its's been sixteen years since that day, sixteen years since Lily was born, since the battle of Hogwarts began and ended. Sixteen years since we took Teddy in, sixteen years since I lost some of the most important people in my life.

And others.... Longer then sixteen.

"Hey Mum, I tried waking James, but he refused." Teddy says, stuffing a piece of toast into his mouth. We took Teddy in the moment we got home from the war; I won't lie, it was difficult raising two kids at the same time, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Lily and Teddy not only grew up inseparable, but he got to grow up with a secure family, a true family like Harry and I never got.

I gently hop off of the counter I was sitting upon, sipping my coffee.

"Alright, thank you sweetheart. I'll go wake him," I smile softly at him and gently ruffling his hair that's currently a shade of light blue. He scoffs and fixes his hair, and I chuckle.

Male sixth years and their hair.

I gently open the door to James room to see my youngest son was trying to wake him by beating him with a pillow.

"Alright Rem, that's enough." I laugh, taking the pillow from his grasp. "But Mum! It's my first day at Hogwarts and I refuse to be late because of Siri and his lazy bum self!" Remus exclaims, his voice slightly squeaky.

"I know darling, go on downstairs and eat breakfast with Teddy- Oh! And remind Lily to eat breakfast as well." I say to him before pressing a kiss to his head.

"Hey Jamie baby, it's time to wake up." I gently sit down on the edge of his bed, he sits up and wraps an arm around me, half hugging me. "Morning Mum," he yawns.

"Good morning, Hun, it's time to get up and dressed. You're going back to school today." I smile softly at him; he always has been such a Momma's boy. Always attached at my hip.

"Oh, shit I forgot," He quickly stumbles out of bed, tripping over his blanket while doing so. I had to stifle my laugh before leaving the room. I slowly step down the stairs, "Mum! I can't find my brush; I think James hid it again!" Lily exclaims flipping the couch cushions upside down.

"It's on the counter, Lils." I let out a sigh knowing I'll have to fix that later. "Mum, I can't get my tie right." James says fiddling with the red and gold tie around his neck. "You do know you don't have to get ready before even stepping onto the train, correct?"

"Yeah, I know...It's just so awkward changing on the train." He rubs the back on his neck nervously, same way his Father does. I hum softly, "Alright. Just be sure to bring a jumper to slide over it, wouldn't want the muggles seeing."

"Oh, come on! I still don't understand why we can't just let them find out, why do we have to be the ones that hide." Lily grumbles while brushing her brown hair that has red highlights resting in it.

"We've been over this. Lils, if they were to find out they wouldn't be able to handle it. We've told you all about your Mum's adopted Father, Sam." Harry speaks up from the door frame of the Grimmwauld twelve places kitchen doorframe.

During the school year we come and stay with Dad for a while. Since I'm the DADA teacher at Hogwarts, and despite Harry mostly working as an auror at the school. He still needs a place to come home too and Dad enjoys his company. Dad also got his name cleared a year after the war, so he's been a free man since then.

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now