☆Sixth year; Back again☆

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Y/n's POV:

At the earliest convenience the following morning, I make it my aim to speak to Dumbledore. Once speaking the password to the gargoyles, I knock gently on his door. To which he says come in.

"Professor. It's me, Y/n." I say, closing the door behind me. "Ah, just right over here child." I walk over towards his desk where he is removing some sort of wrappings from his hand. "What happened too your hand, sir?"

He looks at me, "Nasty how some of those horcrux's are." Dumbledore speaks nonchalantly, "Does this mean you destroyed another?" I slowly take a seat infront of his desk. "Yes Y/n, it does. I assume you are here as too why I have hardly spoken too you, yes?" He says nearly eager too be rid of me.

Damn, this old man could atleast pretend to a few more fucks.

"Well that, and also the supposed mission you have Harry and I on." I glare slightly at him and his slight rudeness. "Hmm, I see...I was beginning to wonder when you would visit me yourself. The truth is Y/n, your mission is different then Harry's." I look at him with a puzzled expression, "I want you to protect Harry. As you always have, but also be there for when he begins to endanger himself. We both very well know he will." The headmaster places his hands on the desk, folding one over the other.

"But sir...I've always done such, what things will change?" I ask, now becoming slightly irritated at this old mans accusations. "Many things Y/n...Many." I furrow my brows but leave it be, "And then the fact you haven't spoken too me all year?" I attempt change the subject slightly.

"I suppose I could just say it was due to the purpose of protection, but the true reason it could have been, would be guilt." Dumbledore admits.

I never would have thought Albus Dumbledore himself would feel guilty, after all these years of seeming to not give a fuck. He actually does? I don't believe.

"If thats the case sir, why now? After all this time, why feel the guilt now?" I question him, I don't think I have ever talked too him on such a serious level. No pun intended.

"I always have had the sensation of guilt as most people do. I am human, just as you. I make mistakes." I glance at the headmaster and let out a small sigh, of course I know he is human and makes mistakes. "I understand..." But using Harry and I as bait and war soldiers, is no mistake.

"And Y/n, always hold those you love and care for close. Especially during these times," He smiles softly at me. "Always and forever Professor," I smile softly back at him. After spending a few more minutes with Dumbledore it was time for me to leave.

When I reach the great hall, I take a seat next to Harry. "Stop it Ron, your making it snow." Hermione points out the cold flakes falling above our heads, while I sip pumkin juice from my goblit. "Tell me how I've broken up with Lavender again?" Ron looks over at Hermione who looks at me with a worried look.

Of course Hermione hadn't told him the whole truth, honestly there really was no need to. Ron and Lavender are no more, thank merlin for that too. I don't think I could take another night of Lavender gushing over my brother.

"Um well...she came to visit you in the hospital and you— talked, I don't believe it was a particularly...long conversation." She fidgets gently with her own hand. "Don't get me wrong, I'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her. It just she seems a bit put out."

I turn around to look at Lavender to see her staring Ron down and a death grip on her spoon. That poor spoon, I let out a soft sigh and shake my head, turning back towards the table.

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now