☾︎Seventh year; Her scarhead☽︎

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Y/n's POV

Instead of going with the others, Harry encouraged me to stay with the Weasleys. Which I didn't opt against, of course I want to be by Harry's side but he's a big boy. He doesn't need me to protect him.

Ginny and I fought side by side, casting all sorts of spells at the death eaters that surround us.

Despite the aching joints in my body, I continued fighting. I definitely won't feel too great, but I won't let it stop be, instead I use it as fuel. All of the grief, sadness and pain has now been turned into fuel, into adrenaline. I fight relentlessly, leaving nearly every death eater stunned or trapped. "Stupefy!" I shout at one death eater before turning on my heels and casting.

"Ello dearies," My aunt Bellatrix jumps onto the bleachers I was standing on while fighting another man. Bellatrix sends a curse towards Ginny and I, luckily, I deflected it in time.

"What the fuck man!?" I exclaim as George pulls the two of us behind him, "Mum is in Momma bear mode, trust me." He mutters as Mrs. Weasley takes mine and Ginny's place.

"Not my daughter's you bitch," Mrs. Mum's voice drops several octaves and sends a curse towards Bellatrix, who deflects it. They send spells at one another for a few minutes until rage over comes Molly's entire body.

Bellatrix finally wasn't able to keep up with Molly's spells and Molly had strikes her. Her body freezes with the spell I assume is pertifius totalus.

"Redutco," Molly grits her teeth, watching Bellatrix turn into several pieces of dust. Mrs. Mum smiles sweetly, "Holy shit! That was awesome Mum!" I exclaim, hugging Mrs. Mum tightly.

"Now, now. Watch your language darling, you can't say those worse around your little one can you?" Even after killing someone, Molly was still the nicest person ever.

I had no time to respond since several death eaters decided to come towards the Weasleys and I. The death eater had ended up pushing me out of the great hall and down the corridors, I sent several spells towards him, but he deflected every last one of them.

Fenir Greyback...He was still alive?

I want this over with. He deserves to die after everything he did, he ruined Remus's life. Being too focused in my anger I didn't hear the footsteps coming up behind me until it was too late. My body ached severally as I hit the brick walls beside me, I let out a groan of pain and move quickly to get out of their line of fire.

I have no idea who this other guy is but, if it comes down to me or them. I'm choosing me.

"Expelliarmus," I cast, taking the second death eaters wand and snapping it in half using reducto. Greyback tries using the killing curse against me, luckily, I was able to dodge it in time.

"Oh, come on pup, let's just end this already." He snarls at me and lunges forward, my eyes widen, I had no time to dodge him so instead I look over at the wall beside us and aimed my wand towards it.

"Reducto!!" Without the remaining of the wall there to fully hold the ceiling most of it came down on top of us. My entire body ached in pain, there was no avoiding it, so I just stared into Greybacks scared eyes.

Until the world around me turns black.

I don't know how long it's been...

Greyback is dead, I can see the broken remains of his hand. Not a pretty sight, that's for sure. I can't feel anything, don't know if I should panic or be grateful. All I heard around me was people either yelling or fighting.

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now