☾︎Seventh year; Round one☽︎

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Y/n's POV

"Ron! 'Mione! Finally, I found you." I drop my hands down onto my knees, hunching my back trying to improve my airflow. "Have you guys found Harry yet?" I finally manage to say when I catch my breath.

"He's in the Room of Requirement, come on it's right this way." Hermione says, following behind Ron. It would be a lie if I said it wasn't nice to walk for the first time nearly all day, my legs were burning, my back aches from the way I landed earlier and I'm positive that some where along my head there is blood dripping down onto my face.

I ignore it all though, continuing to run off of the adrenaline in my body and the beat of my heart thumping in my chest. When we enter the room is was a disaster, if we hadn't had the map it would have taken us ages to find Harry.

Before we took the turn I stopped both of them, I heard a familiar voice of my cousin, the one and only Draco Malfoy. I couldn't quite hear what they were talking about, only the noises of Draco and Harry speaking. 

"Expelliarmus!" I jump out from behind one of the mountains of clutter, Draco's wand  goes flying backwards, the three of them attempt a retreat. Goyle points his wand towards us, "Avada Kedavra!" He fires towards Hermione, but she deflects the spell.

 "Stupefy!" She exclaims. Sadly the collision of the two spells launches a Tiara that seems to be the diadem according to Harry's facial expression. Ron who is seething pissed goes charging after the three idiots with his wand in the air. 

"That's my girlfriend, you numpties!" He yells after them. 

"Girlfriend!?" I exclaim, looking over at her to see her flushed as ever. Harry, Hermione and I start to climb up the unnecessary amount of chairs that are piled up. We toss several chairs out of our way before I say screw it, "Accio diadem." I direct my wand over towards the general direction it flew. The diadem comes flying into my hand, "That works I suppose.." Harry breathes heavily while Hermione grins at me. 

Harry helps me slowly get down, knowing Hermione was able to do it easier. 

"Ummm, N/n...You've got an issue..." Hermione speaks discreetly, pointing towards my breasts. I had leaked through my shirt. 

"For fucks sake!" I groan, before any one else can say anything we take notice of a loud shouting coming our way. 

"Run!!!" I heard Ron's voice 

He shouted the word several times, a yellow color shined brightly from the same direction. I couldn't help but stare towards the space confused. Ron pushes us out of the way screaming, grabbing Hermione in the process.

"Goyle's set the bloody place on fire!" Ron screams again, a flaming tiger comes barreling towards Harry and I. My eyes widen before I take off sprinting in the same direction Ron had dragged Hermione. The fire came from the other side as well, Harry tried slowing down the fire from reaching us by knocking some items over.

While that worked, it hadn't worked long enough. We got a bit farther before we both stopped, a burning pheonix flys through the now burning items causing an explosion. Several other animals emerged from the hot flames.

I don't know how we lost Ron and Hermione but we ended up reuniting with them when we end up being cornered. Animals came at us from all directions, not to mention it was hotter than hell in the room now. Harry deflected one of the snakes, knocking Ron and I both down from the push of the spell. I hissed, landing on top of a large amount of brooms. 

Despite the pain rushing through me, I toss a broom to Harry and Hermione, Ron had already grabbed one of his own. We mount onto the brooms, thankfully we had when we did. The moment we were up in the air the animal shapes collide into one another, causing another loud explosion that rang my ears. 

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now