♧︎︎︎Third year; Sighted♧︎︎︎

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Y/n's POV

After Hagrid's chaotic class everybody heads to their common rooms before dinner, "C'mon can I please copy your homework, just this once!" Ron begs.

"No, Ron! Because if I allow it this once you will ask again, besides you won't learn a thing if you just copy others!" Hermey responds, becoming annoyed. Ron scoffs, "What about Y/n will you let me copy yours?"

".... we had homework?" I ask with wide eyes and a worried expression. "Don't worry N/n, I'll let you borrow my notes." Hermione gently pats my shoulder as the stress leaves my body.

"Wait a moment, you let Y/n see your homework but not me!?" Ron exclaims. "No Ronald, she's looking at my notes, not my homework." Hermione sighs, placing an emphasis on his name.

"It's ok mate, I'll lend you my answers," Harry speaks up after being quiet for some time. Ron sighs in relief, "Thanks Harry," and Harry nods in response.

Harry sits down on the couch, with me sitting on the floor in front of him waiting on Hermione to bring her notes down. Harry grabs the book beside him, Quidditch; throughout the ages and absent mindedly runs his fingers through my hair.

I don't think he realizes what he's doing but either way, it feels nice. "That feels good," I smile." 

"Huh, what do-" Harry looks at me in surprise, realizing what he's doing but continues raking his fingers through my curly h/l hair.

Hermione comes down the stairs with a notebook in her hand. But Harry panics slightly, likely worrying of what she'll think and removes his hand from my scalp.

"Thanks, Hermey."

"Really!? I thought we were past that nickname," Hermione says in a slight whiny tone.

"Hermey?" Harry repeats, looks at the two of us confused then to Ron. "I'm lost too, mate." I laugh "I think it was the summer before 2nd year I went to the beach with her-"

"Y/nnnn shut uppp," Hermione whines trying to cover my mouth which draws a deeper laugh from me. Also causing Harry to let out a small laugh

. "-'Mione found a hermit crab and lifted it up to her face to look closer at it-" I stop halfway through my sentence to catch my breath, from laughing too hard.

"And the little crab grabs onto her nose, And Harold that little shit would not let go for anything." Hermione huffs crossing her arms in defeat and plops onto the couch beside Harry. Harry was laughing so hard at this point his face was turning a small shade of pink. 

While Ron was practically rolling on the ground in pure laughter.

After a few minutes of Hermione ranting about how it wasn't funny, it ended with the lot of us only laughing harder. She scoffs, standing up and storms out. The three of us fall silent for a moment "I'll be in the Great Hall!" She announces, closing the frame behind her. We burst into laughter again.

When we arrive at the dining table, I sit next to Hermione just as I always do. She seems a bit less grumpy now, likely because she got food.

Harry and Ron were still snorting over our fits from earlier, just as I go to join in I hear Malfoy. He seems to be telling Pansy Parkinson and his other stupid goons over exaggerated stories of what happened in Hagrid's class that day.

"Really laying it on thick innit he?" Ron says, taking a bite of his food a bit aggressively.

"Oh no way.... No way in bloody hell am I letting him talk about Hagrid like that," I go to stand up, only to be pulled back down to my seat. "Ignore him for now N/n, you can punch his lights out later." She tells me and I groan in complaint. 

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now