⚡Summer: New Begining's⚡

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Y/n's POV

When boarding off the train once we reach 9 and ¾ i say goodbye to Ron and Hermione but Harry wants to say hi to Sirius before heading off with his Aunt and Uncle

Harry and I walk across the platform hand in hand to where i see Dad in his Animagus form

He wags his tail spinning around in circles when he sees us making me laugh slightly

Dad looks at our hands and winks at me before nudging his head towards the exit me catching he hint it was time to leave

Harry and i hug tightly saying our goodbyes to one another

Once we get off the streets and away from public eyes Siri- Dad transforms back into his human self hugging me tightly

"Hello Dad" I feel my lips tug into a slight smile as i take in his embrace

"Gods N/n i have so much i want to tell you but first lets see your room, yes?" He backs up with his hands on my shoulders smiling brightly and i nod

Dad leads me up the dark colored gloomy stairs...its perfect

When we walk into the room i notice the wall color is painted a darkshade of grey, there is a full sized bed in the center of the room with a night drawer beside it, a wardrobe beside the window on the left side of the room and a vanity oppisite of that

I slowly look around at the room mentally taking notes on everything in the room

"Um well, i hope you like it..i dont exactly um-" I cut Sirius off by hugging him tightly

"I love it Dad..its perfect, thank you" I say into his shirt as he hugs me back i begin to feel safe in his arms, nothing like how i felt hugging Christa and Sam

This is different..

"Oh! Oh! did you see the photos i hung on the vanity?" Dad says letting me go getting excited, i swear if he had a tail right now it would be wagging to kingdom come

He drags me over to the black colored vanity and i smile seeing mostly moving photos, most of when i was a baby but one catches my eye the most

It was a photo of James, Lily, Harry, my parents and I

I was sitting in my Mothers arms sitting on her leg probably no older then a few months old and Harry was doing the same next to me but in Lily's lap, Sirius and James side by side arms wrapped around each other, the photo moves with everyone laughing as Mum presses a kiss to my head, i chuckle softly rubbing my thumb over it

"I regret leaving them that night.. if i had just stayed maybe then they would all still be here" My dad sighs taking a seat on my bed which is much larger then my old one

"No dont say that because then Harry really would have no one and i would still be stuck with those arseholes who Dumbledore stuck me with" I say and im pretty sure Dad is laughing at my bluntness right now

"I suppose your right although i still wish i could have gotten to see Mini pads and Mini prongs to grow up" I turn to see him grinning and i laugh

"You see the one of you and Harry yet?" He grins walking over to me and points at a photo of Harry and i as babys

In the photo i lean foward kissing Harry's cheek and he falls backwards as i laugh making me laugh outside of the picture as well

"That day your Uncle -James- was so proud that Harry already got his first kiss at eight months old however I wasnt to happy about my little girl already kissing boys- Speaking off whats going on between you and Potter hm?" Dad grins pointing to the photo Rita Skeeter put in the daily prophet and another i have never seen before

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now