♧︎︎︎Third year; The Fat Lady Sang♧︎︎︎

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Third Person POV

"Sir, before I fainted I... Well...We heard something, two women... screaming." Harry looks up at Remus. "Well, dementors force us to relive our very worst memories." He informs the two third years.

"I think it was my mother... the night she was murdered," Harry says in a softer tone then before. "But then... Why were there two? One of them was my name." Y/n looks at Harry and then to the Professor who is avoiding answering the specific question.

"I recognized you both when I saw you the first time, and not because of your scar Harry," Professor Lupin changes the subject ever so slightly, hoping the children don't realize.

Y/n and Harry look at each other both completely confused and then look back at The Professor.

"But because of your eyes.... You both have your mothers' eyes." The two couldn't fully grasp what the Professor was saying. "Yes... I knew both of your mothers... You have your mothers' eyes Harry and Y/n yours." Lupin states walking to the other side of the bridge.

 Y/n thought to herself, that she doesn't have her mum's eyes, or her dads. So how is that possible? And he knows her Mum, the woman had never been a student at Hogwarts. So how could that be.

"Both of your mothers were there for me when no one else was, not only was Lily and Y/n, your mum incredible witches but both were uncommonly kind women," Lupin purposely avoids using the name of Y/n's mother. A subtle thing Y/n picks up on.

"Why is he avoiding saying my mum's name..." Y/n whispers to herself while Harry's eyes light up more than usual due to hearing about his mother. The boy truly loves hearing about his parents in their teen years whenever he can. 

He often tried asking Professor McGonagall about them in his first year, but realized he wouldn't get far with her.

"Lily had a wonderful way of seeing another's beauty, especially if they did not see it themself." Professor Lupin goes on and Harry smiles at the warming thoughts of his Mum. 

Y/n looks at Harry and smiles at him, glad that at least he is happy about hearing of his parents. Even though she was now left more confused than she has ever been in her life.

 Y/n furrowed her brows deep in thought while staring down at the lake below them, perhaps Sirius is her father, she thinks to herself.

Professor Lupin then lets out a light laugh "Now, your fathers on the other hand both had a talent for trouble." Harry looks at Y/n with a comforting smile knowing she must be way more confused about her parents then he is.

Harry makes eye contact with Y/n again, realizing she must be confused. Her father is a muggle. How is her "Mum and Dad" her parents with what the Hogwarts Professor is telling them? The only thing the young girl can think of is why he is doing this. Is to give her hints, that she's close to the truth. 

"A talent... So, I've heard they passed onto the both of you," The Professor states walking back over to the children. Harry scratches his neck awkwardly and Y/n smiles nervously.

Yes, it is true. Both children had gotten into just as much trouble as their parents had during their generation at the Wizarding school. Y/n and Harry do have quite the habit of getting into trouble together, they both fought their old DADA teacher good ol' Professor Quirrell in their first year

In the second they faced Tom Riddle together. This year they have both of the dementors on their tails and possibly a killer looking for the both of them, instead of only Harry like the children thought at first.

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now