꧁Fourth year; Yule Ball!!꧂

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Third Person POV

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its inception, on Christmas eve we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity" Mcgonagall says looking around the room to all of the students seated around her

With the girls sitting on one side of the room and the boys on the other

However Y/n is standing up beside the twins on the boys side as most of the girls dont quiet like her and its easier to avoid them then start unwanted drama

"As representatives of the host school i expect each and everyone of you to put your best foot foward and i mean this literally because the Yule Ball.....Is a dance" Professer goes on annoucing the news of a dance in Hogwarts; the fourth years first dance at that

The moment the Professer mentions the dance the girls begin whispering as the boys groan

Harry looks back at Y/n with a smile to which Y/n replys with a smile as well and a wave

Harry attempts to wave his hand thats in the sling but winces forgetting its injured which Y/n snorts and quickly covers her mouth trying not to make much noise

Fred and George grin looking down at Y/n and both snort mocking her, she scoffs and hits them both on the arms

"Silence!! The house of Godric Gryffindor commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries-" Mcgonagall announces with a stern look on her face

"Merlin, thats a long ass time" Y/n mumbles and both the twins nod

"-I will not have you lot in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behving like a bambling bumbling band of baboons!"

'Bambling Bumbling Band of Baboons?' Harry and Y/n think both looking at each other with their eyebrows raised

"Try saying that five times fast" Fred whispers to George and they go back and forth as the Professer goes on

"Now, to dance is to let the body breathe..Inside every girl is a secret swan slumbers longing to burst off and take flight!" Mcgonagall says facing the group

"Somethings about to burst out of Eloise Midgen but i dont think its a swan" Ron whispers rather loudly so the class ends up hearing

"Ronald dont be a git" Y/n scowls at him

"And inside every boy, a lordly lion prepares to prance. Mr. Weasley?" Mcgonagall says making her way over to Ron

"Will you join me please?" She looks down at at him, Ron hums in respond and Harry pushes his back smirking

"Now..place your right hand on my waist-"

"Where?" Ron mumbles with his eyes widening

"My waist" The professer repeats herself as Ron hesitently rests his arm onto her waist

A few whistles could be heard as Y/n smirks

"Right now extend your arm. Mr flich, if you please" Professer says

Y/n and the twins grin at one another

"Look at little Ronnie all grown up" Y/n smirks and Ron turns his head back glaring at her

"Face me Mr Weasley" Mcgonagall corrects him and Y/n snickers

As Mcgonagall begins counting Y/n smirks grabbing Georges hand and starts dancing to waltz; mocking Ron

"Oi!" Harry whisper shouts at the three dancing and they all turn to him

"Never gonna let him forget this, are you?" Harry grins and the three look at one another and back at him

"Never" They all say grinning widely

"Everybody come together! Boys on your feet!" Mcgonagall exclaims as the girls quickly jump up but none of the boys move

Y/n rolls her eyes at the boys until Neville stands being the first one to walk to a girl and it happens to be Ginny

Harry looks back at Y/n and she grins walking infront of him

"May i have this dance M'lady?" She asks and he huffs still standing anyway

Harry takes her hand in his hand thats not in the sling and rest it on her waist, Y/n places both hands on his shoulders as he cant exactly dance the proper way in a sling

People begin to make they're way into the center

"Um..Y/n i- i have never danced before" Harry admits quietly and Y/n smiles softly at him

"Its alright Haz, i'll teach you then. Follow my steps" Y/n smiles counting as Harry looks down at their feet nervously trying his best not to step on her feet

"Look up at me Harry" Y/n says lifting his head up by his chin and he stares at her still following her foot steps

"Harry! Your a brilliant dancer!" Y/n grins not realizing most people around them have stopped dancing and watched the two

"Yep-" George shouts

"-Thats our Weasel!" Fred shouts finishint his sentence from the other side of the room

Y/n giggles and Harry smirks getting an idea

He grabs her hand lifting it above her head twirling her around and Y/n who hadnt expected it squeals a bit laughing

"I want you to know, im gonna ask you to the dance..but i want it to be special" Harry says

"Harry! Why would you tell me" Y/n huffs and Harry takes the lead of the dance

"So you know not to say yes to any guys that may want you, even though i doubt you would any ways"Harry grins as he twirls Y/n again

"Alright class! Thats all for today" Mcgonagall says as Mr Flich turns off the Waltz music and everyone seperates from their partners

The girls do a curtsy and the boys bow..or well..Most of the boys

Y/n smiles at Harry before she feels her hand get tugged on and dragged out of the room

"Hermione! Slow down!" Y/n grumbles as she stumbles over her own feet due to Hermione literally dragging her

"You are going to bring your things down from the boys dorms and bring them into our dorm again!" Hermione says as she opens the Portriat which was left jared open with a book

"What!? But 'Mione-"

"Either you do it or i do, i miss having you in our dorm and since when do you take shit from others like that" Hermione glares at Y/n crossing her arms and Y/n sighs knowing damn well she was not wrong

"Right..give me a moment" Y/n makes her way towards Harry and Rons dorm to grab her things

She puts the things laying around her trunk inside and steals Harrys hoodie from his closet as he wasnt here to complain

Y/n drags her trunk down the stairs to see Hermione staring at her with a smile

"Come on, i'll help you resettle" Hermione smiles softly walking infront of me

"I guess im moving back in.." Y/n whispers as she opens the door to the place that is her dorm again

Hermione quickly kicks a copy of The Daily Prophet under the bed which Y/n didnt see due to having her back turned as she unpacks her things

Hermione sighs in relief and smiles "Its good to have you back again Y/n"

"It feels good to be back" Y/n smiles back face planting onto her bed


And i am also so so so sorry for not publishing, i have had a lot on my plate lately

Word count: 1280

𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒅 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 (𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑷.)Where stories live. Discover now