Poor Jemma :(

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“WE SHOULD GO TO THE PARK!!” Nikka yelled. Jemma jumped up and down clapping her hands squalling. She is adorable. She grabbed my hand and we made our way to the car. Ben walked over to Lee to see if he wanted to come but he shook him head.

          We all got in the car, me driving off course. Jemma sat next to me and kept on changing the radio station, then ‘I wanna’ by the All-American Rejects. Jemma and Nikka started to sing on the top of their lungs. It is so funny then they did start to dance a little. I laughed but it is very distractive.

          “Stop!!” Jemma screamed. I slammed on the brakes, my heart pounded in my chess.

          “What! What is it?!” I asked you could hear the worry in my voice. She just looked at me and smiled sweetly with  giggle.

          “We are here! Well we will need to walk now.” She said getting out of the car, and skipped over to Nikka who was already out of the car. “READDY SET GO!” I heard Jemma call, I turned to look at her and she was running in to the dark forest. My heart jumped. Where did she go!? I bolted in to the forest, I can hear Jemma giggles and I can smell her amazing mouth-watering sent. I past Nikka and Ben.

Being the next King / Alpha of all wolfs/my pack, I am faster and stronger than any other wolf or human. I am going to beat Jemma even though her father is Alpha was this pack she still not as fast as me. I was getting closer; I could see her hair in the moon light. Then she looked over her shoulder and laughed.

“Sorry Pretty Boy!” She called. And then she went faster I could hardly see her she was just a blur. When I got to what must be the meadow. I panted trying to catch my breath. I collapsed on the ground.

“JASPER!!!” I heard someone call. Then I felt some put the hands on my shoulder. I opened my eyes Jemma was actually sitting on me and her face was over mien. Man she is beautiful.

          “How did you get here so fast?” I asked still breathless. She smirked.

          “I am, who I am, baby.” She said with a wink. ‘Baby’? I raised my eye brow. She giggled and lent down resting her forehead on to mien. Electric tingles went through my body. She grinned down at me, then looked at me with confutation and frowned a little. “You feel that?” She asked.

          “Yes.” I said my voice was husky, she smiled.

          “Ok good. I like it.” She giggled and blushed. She rolled off me and laid next to me her head on my chest.

          “I like it too.” I said stroking her hair. A few minutes past by we did not walk or move, no sign of Ben or Nikka.

Properly making out somewhere I could Jemma is sad, and then I could feel her tears fall on to my shirt.

“What is it Amare?” I asked.

          “I just need to tell someone this is killing me.” She said sitting up looking at the ground.

          “You can tell me.” I said sitting up next to her.

          “I was going to be a mother.” She said but broke off. I gasped her words echoed my head. She does have a baby! What if she loves the dad? She took a deep breath. “It is not what you think.” She said I realized I was holding my breath. “My mum errr she died give birth. The baby’s name is Annabella.” The tears streamed down her face. I let out a sigh of relief. She doesn’t have a baby!! “She was so small. So weak! They told me to sell her off or something because it would look bad if I had a baby. But I didn’t care. I held her in my arms and I knew she needed me. I was going to be her mother; I will raise her, myself. I didn’t not care what people thought. I was so prepared to drop everything and become a mother. It only took a few seconds to decide that.” She broke off. I held her hands. My heart ached, my Amare is hurting.

          “Who is the father?” I asked I moved her to sit on my lap.

          “That horrible evil brutal monster.” She spat. “Other known as mum’s boyfriend, she was afraid of him by the end. That child was not made out of love. He made her! She didn’t want to but he took her.” She sobbed on my chest. I held on to her tight. Steve, it must have been. I growled. 

“I could not give her to him. I knew who he really was and what he was capable of hell no was I going to go back to him. But...” She took a deep breath. “She makes it through the day. She was so weak and small. When night I cheeked up on her every five minutes it makes sure she was still alive. Something inside of me was like ‘No you can’t sleep!’ and ‘Is she ok? Is she breathing?’ We almost made it through the night. I must have fallen asleep.... When I woke up she was cold, I tried to wake her and I held her tight trying to warm her up. But her heart stopped. I tried! S-so hard, I-I t-tried.” She sobbed. I feel like a horrible idiot! I hushed her and slowly rocked.

          “You did what you could. It is not your fault.” I hushed her, she relaxed in my arms. She did all she could for her little sister. I did not deserve Jemma.

          “I should have stayed up.” She said shaking her head.                                                                                                                                                                                      

          “Jemma you did everything you could possibly do.  Even if you were up you still might have not changed it. Don’t beat yourself up. I am so sorry Jemma. You tired your best.” I tried to comforted, I could hear her breath even out and deepen. She was asleep. She looks so peaceful, innocent. Who knows what she has been thew, my girl, my Mate my Amare.


Heyy yaaaaaa ;) 

How are you all? 

Thank you for reading! 

I will update soon!! 




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