Get Ready To Run Jeremy Boy

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          So Jeremy told me that I have been out for almost four weeks. And even though I was completely out of it, and most likely dead, they still beat me.

 Ain’t they lovely.  I thought sarcastically.

I could hear Jeremy chuckle from where he was sitting with his back leaning agents the door. He has been talking to me more about his family and his wife. Also what he wants to do for them when they are free.  

I opened my mouth to say something, but closed it. There was no use. Ever sins I have woken up, I can’t seem to find my voice. But my wolf has been not talking per say but hinting thing to me. It is almost like she is waiting for something.

‘You really need to eat or drink something, you look like a ghost.’ Jeremy said. ‘I will see what I can get you.’ He said getting up. I nodded weakly.

‘Coffee.’ I said, he nodded, his eyes filled with sadness and sympathy.


I am making Jemma coffee. That girl..... I think it is starting to get to her. Her eyes, there is no life. She cannot move at all anymore, I am not a doctor but I can tell that so many of her bones are broken, she is so battered and bruised, like nothing I have ever seen. Even when she was unconscious. I had to get twice, some of the dicks here, off her before they raped her. They where unbuckled and everything. It was horrible, but I stopped them.

They did it to my wife, I had to watch, they tide me to the chair with iron chains. I could not let that happen to Jemma.

I walk back in to Jemma’s cell. She is staring at the wall, where my family are staying. I hand her the small cup. I could not risk that chance of someone seeing.

The small cup shook in her hands, she is so weak, I helped her, get the cup to her pail blood dried cracked lips. She took a long sip. A smile spread across her lips.

‘Get ready to run. Jeremy boy.’  She thought to me. Just as I am about to open my mouth, she slowly stands up, her whole body shaking.

She leans agents the wall for support. She stretched out her arms, pams facing the wall to where my family are. Suddenly bursts of light come out of Jemma’s hands like a beam, A chunk of the wall crumbles out, just big enough to fit me. The beam carries threw in to the room until I hear concrete move, light shone through the hole.

I looked at Jemma, her eyes were like fire, and her hair was floating to the side of her. I would have been scared if I didn’t know how much good is in her, and what she was doing. Like a elastic band the beam goes back in to Jemma. She takes in a sharp breath.

“Run!” She wheezed out. I took one last look at her, and ran, I took my wife and kids and ran.

“Come on sweetie.” I said sweetly to my loving wife. She looked at me dazed and confused. “Were going home.” Home...... never thought I would ever say that world ever again.



She is alive! I know it! I felt her! She is alive! I felt this kind of power, force, it hit, me, but it didn’t hurt it was more loving, but very powerful and strong.

Suddenly I shifted in to my wolf, I don’t even know why, it’s just like I needed to. I ran and I ran, leaping over falling trees. I ran as fast as I could, until I reached the very edge of the territory.

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