Getting Jemma Back

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          I did all I could to be quite and calm threw Jeremy’s story, but that was close to imposable. I broke a chunk off the dining room table, it is also cracked straight through the middle.

          “There is something else I think I should tell you.” He said, looked down at the table then back up. “When Jemma was unconscious, a few times when I was out of her cell, when I came back, I few times I court on of the men, manly Rick, try to rape her. I stopped it every time. But some of the times it was really close. I am just afraid that if we don’t go now, Rick will do something, coz they already plan on killing her tomorrow.” I started to see red. The table broke in half.  

          ‘Any men whatting to risk their lives to save Jemma back come now to Alpha’s….. Now.’ I sent out threw mind link to all the male members of the pack.

          “I am coming with you.” Nikka said coming in to the room. Before I could say anything, Ben walked in.

          “No you are not.” He said. Nikka glared at her mate.

          “Yes I am Jemma is my best friend and sister, and I am going to help bring her back.” She said, tears rolling down her face. “I need to her. I need her so much.” She let out a sob. Ben wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to his chest.

          “We all miss her. And will get her back.” He said, and kissed her head.

          Jeremy and I walked outside to give them two some space. We walked out if in the back yard. Suddenly we are meted by almost three dozen men.

          “We have come to fight.” One of the main warriors said. I nodded.

          “Thank you all for coming today. I know most of you have Mates and families, so thank you. We are going to attack the rouges that have been terrorizing my family and who also took Jemma. We are going to ambush them from all sides. Show no mercy.” I said, my Alpha and king side was really kicking in. “Now let’s go get our Jemma back.” I said, suddenly everyone cheered, I shifted and everyone followed. We are going to get our mate back!

          Jeremy and I led the way, we ran as fast as we could, I could tell we were getting close the smell of rouges where getting stronger and stronger. Which only made me angrier and run faster. I looked over at Jeremy. He suddenly stopped running. Fear and rage filled his eyes.

          ‘What is it?’ I ask him threw mind link.

          ‘Jemma told me to tell you she loves you.’ He told me, my heart melt and broke at the same time. The camp came in to view.

          ‘NOW!!’ I howled. Jeremy, ran in to the front straight to the heart of the camp. Killing anything in our sight. We broke down the doors and ran through the halls. Jemma’s sent grew stronger each step. Also the scent of her blood. Which made me see red. I turned the corner, the sight in front of me made me stop in my tracks and both make me whimper in fear and roar in rage.

          Jemma, MY Jemma, being held by a man with a knife to her neck.

          “One more move and ba-bye Jemma.” He said, I growled. He must me Rick. The sick barstered. My wolf and I thought. I could just see Jemma’s face, her hair covered most of it, and her head was down. She almost looked dead, but her chest roused and fell. Giving me hope. The cuts and bruises where prominent all over her body. “It is a shame you didn’t mark or mate her when you had the chance. Expesholy mate.” He pursed. “Jemma and I had fun didn’t we?” He asked Jemma, but she stayed motionless. “She is a good fuck. You know being a virgin and all, she likes it ruff. Who would of thought?” He said, all cocky and smugged.

          I cannot take this anymore. Suddenly Jemma let out a deafening scream, kneeing Rick where no man every wants to be hit, he suddenly on his knees, with a gun held to his head, held by Jemma. You can tell Jemma was not in charge, by the orangey red colure in her eyes. She then slammed his head on the concrete wall, he laid on his back. The gun still held to his face. Jemma stomped in him the dick. He let out a bloody murder scream. We all winced, and those who were in human formed put a protective hand over theirs. She slowly trailed the gun down his body. Until it stopped at his dick. His eyes widen, tears rolled down his face of pain.

          “Do it! I dear you.” He taunted. She smiled, then get out a blood chilling, spine tingerling growl. Then BANG! The scream he let out is like no other I have ever heard. Gasps filled the room. Everyone was shock, but I couldn’t be more proud. He’s still alive, but barely, only one more bullet. Her hands shook.

          Jeremy suddenly shifted, he slowly walked towards Jemma. He slowly put his hands over hers, taking the gun away. Jemma then looked at me, or in my direction, and slowly started to walk, she looked so weak, I have never seen anyone like this. So, so broken and out of it. Jemma was not there. Suddenly her knees let out but she still walked, well stumbling I court her before she could completely fall. She’s just limp in my arms.

          I held her close to me, taking in her sent. God I have missed her.

          “I got you, I am here your mate is here, you are safe, I will not let anyone hurt you anymore.” I said tears rolling down my face. “I love you.” I whispered kissing her head. I have Jemma back and I will never let her out of my sight. EVER!                        


My comuter stopped woking so I had to use my sisters one. So I wrote this evning. I am so sorry!!! if it is no good! You can tell me if it is. 

I Hope you like!!!





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