Arugh! Dyslexia!

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I let go of her when we were in the hall.

“What the hell are you crazy cheaka?” Nikka yelled.

           “Sorry we would be late to class and just take it slow ok? For me? And acting like that in public let alone in class! Come on!” I said tutting.

          “I can’t help me.” She smiled. “And ok I will, I know but he is not going to hurt me. And hahah yeah I guess it was not the best place but... oh well worth it!” She said and went off in her little daze. I sighed and rolled my eyes. “We are going out to the party tonight. He said that he will never leave me and if I guy looks at me he will break his neck. But he is taking me out on a proper date on Saturday.” She breathed.

          “OH how romantic. Your lover boy will kill a guy that just looks at you.” I said sarcastically. Nikka shrugged, Jasper chuckled, I shook my head. Nikka went to the class to save us a seat. I could not help but worry about her. I sighed.

          “Ahh young love. You got to love it!” Jasper said with a cheery voice. I just shrugged. We walked in to the class there was a different teacher. My heart started to pick up. She was tall and thin with glasses at the end on her pointy nose. Her hair was in a high tight bun. Jasper took me to sit down he was right next to me. I looked around the room; Samantha is in my English class. Great! I thought sarcastically. I heard Jasper chuckle.

          “Ok class your English teacher is away, so I will be taking your class. I have to go and get some books. Behave.” She said in a cold voice and marched out of the room and closing the door behind her.

          “How old is your sister?” I asked, Jasper I did not look at him I just looked at the desk.

          “I thought I was asking the questions.” He said, I did not look at him I cringed. He sighed. “She is only two weeks, so she is so small.”

          “Annabella that’s her name right? It is beautiful. How did your parents come up with it?” My voice was slow and my mouth was dry. “Why isn’t she with you? Your here cause of protection because there is a threat with rouges and something else but you don’t know there is something your parents aren’t telling you. You are worried.” I said without thinking I shook my hand I realized my glove was off and I was touching Jaspers hand, I quickly moved my hand and put my glove back on.

          “Yeah it is. I love the name. I don’t know where they got it from though. And they waiting, I think. When the time is right we will ask your dad if it is ok if she comes for a bit.” He said his voice was low too.

          “WHAT?!” I said almost too loud. “You’re going to wait until there is a threat to her life?! She is a baby! No! No!” I said shaking my head. No child will be in risk no one will have to die no one will die. No more. Not a baby not a baby! I thought. I realized I was shaking. I could just hear the mumbling of other laughter and voices. I will not let a baby die. I won’t let Jasper and his family go though that pain, that torched. I will never let Jasper extranets that. I will make sure of it.

          “Miss Jemma!” Someone called for my attention. I looked up from the desk.

          “Yes?” I asked. The teacher was back and she handed me a sheet of paper filled with words. I automatically felt sick.

          “Your reading from the top of the page.” She said sounding annoyed.

          “Oh please Mrs I can’t.” I pleaded. She shook her said.

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