New Mummy

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‘Why did you say then you didn’t know?’ He asked, I let out a sigh slowly shaking my head.

‘Where is he now?’ I asked.

‘He just walked out of the door in his best cloths. Why?’

‘Well he would n0t have done that if he knew that she would say ‘Yes’. He would get cocky and assume that no matter his actions she will say ‘yes’ to a date or anything.’ I told him. He thought about it for a little while.

‘That’s really clever.’ He said approvingly.

‘Why thank you. I know.’ I thought.

I felt Jonny start to move in my arms. He looked around, he is confused.

“Hey there Jonny sweetie, it’s ok, I am here.” I whispered and kissed the top of his head, he looked up smiling weakly. His arms tighten around me.

“Mummy.” He said his voice small and soft, but filled with love, I knew be actually met it as in I was his mum; it was not a slip of the tongue. I tried to hold back the tears.

‘JASPER!! What do I do? Jonny just called me Mummy?!?!?!? And he meant it! But what do I say??? Do I say something? What about his real mum? TGRHBWiaWRSLKRGSUSIDF(#*($*# He is adorable!! JASPER!!!’ I half screamed to Jasper.

‘Jemma its ok, just relax. It’s ok that he called you mummy, it’s actually really cute and that’s also what everyone else thinks. It’s is good for him to have a mother finger, cause right know he has no one. I know that you are worried that you might fail as being his mother or his pretend mother, but you won’t, you will be amazing. It will be good for him to have a new mummy.’  Jasper told me. I let his words comfort me, I smiled down at Jonny.

“I promise that I will always be here for you, no matter what.” I whispered to him. Then I started to drift off in to a peaceful sleep.


Jasper and I are sitting down having a picnic on the sand, laughing having fun.

“I love you.” He says leaning in, I look in to his warm loving eyes.

“I—”I feel small fingers poking my face, I felt my eyes flutter open, Jonny sitting on my lap his big eyes looking in to mine. He is looking so much better than before. I wish I could say the same, I don’t feel so good.

“How is my beautiful baby going?” I said, still sounding like I was asleep. He nodded his head, I placed my hand on his forehead, there is no fever. I kissed his forehead. Something caught my eye; Jonny’s bed has been made. “Are you hungry?” I asked, getting up sitting him on his bed, and getting some clean clothes on him. He nodded his head lazily, his eyes drooping a little. Mmm he is still sleepy. I thought as I placed him on my hip and walk down the stars, humming random tune. I saw the rest of the boys sitting watching TV.

“Thank you to whoever did Jonny’s bed.” I smiled, their head turned to my direction so fast I am surprised they didn’t get whip wash.

“How is Jonny?” asked Lee, I smiled and nodded looking down at Jonny.

“I think he is getting better, I mean he has no fever, he is getting an appetite. But I think he is very sleepy, so after we eat I am going to take him back upstairs and a nap.” I said, they all nodded.

“Do you need anything?” Luke asked. I smiled at him and shook my head.

“Oh question...... is Ben and Nikka still....” I asked hinting, they all grinned nodding slowly, I laughed. “Oh boy.” I muttered shaking my head walking in to the kitchen. I sit Jonny down on a chair. I start to make something small for Jonny and I, I start to hum that again.


Jonny and I eat and walked up stars. I placed him in his bed (he is half asleep in my arms) I kiss his forehead. He sluggishly.

“Don’t leave me.” He whimpered, my heart melted.

“I won’t.” I said I opened up the covers and came in with him; he snuggled right next to me.                                                                                                                                    


While Jemma was sleeping I called my mum and dad. They are both..... stressed, but really happy that I have found my mate,

but errrrm they want to know if I have marked her or have.... errrrm arrr fully mated. It is a REALLY awkward convocation to have with your parents! My dad wanted to know if she is hot! He hasn’t seen resent pictures of her. I growled but said yes. This is what he said, I quote

“That’s my boy! Takes after me. Now son, you need to whoo her, but ones you got her..... Bang her long and hard! I want me some grandbabies. So dose your mum so make sure you do it soon.” I was so shocked when he said that..... I-I.... still I am like what da fuq?

How do you respond to that? “OH yeah dad I am going to Bang her like long and hard like both our lives depend on it. By next week with will be carrying your grandbaby.” I MEAN COME ON! I don’t think so. Sure I want to like hell I want her right know...... but I can’t now. I don’t think she is ready and I will wait until she is.

But I mean I want it to be special, I want to Make Love not ‘Bang’. Plus it will be both our first times.....well I think her first time. Anyway we haven’t even had our first date.

I looked up at the clock, time to wake my Amer up and Jonny. Everyone is getting ready for Jemma’s birthday dinner. I walk up the stars to Jonny’s room, he is curled up to Jemma and her arms around him. My wolf whimpered with jealousy, jealousy of a sick five year old...... WOW.

“Amare, time to get up.” I whispered, genially rubbing her upper arm. She groaned and stirred.

“Jasper!” She moaned, best sound in the world to hear. “Go away I am sleeping.” Not the best sound, in the world hear. “Nope dinner is soon you need to wake up and get dress..... I think Nikka is in your room now looking through your cloths.” I said, Jemma sat up as soon as I said dinner. She looks tired and a little pale.

“Food?” She said sleep. “Oh God did dad cook?” She asked, I chuckled and shook my head, she nodded. Suddenly she jumps out of the bed.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, Jemma looked at Jonny who was looking sleepy and confused, he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

“Jonny I will see you at dinner, I need to go and make sure Anty Nikka dose not steal any clothes.” She said and kissed his head, he nodded, she turned to me and kissed my head. “I will see my boys later.” She said and walked out the door, I could not help but watch her walk away.

“Bye Mummy.” Jonny called, that made me smile.

“Bye Baby.” She called back.

“I am a big boy.” He said in a humph pouting, crossing his arms.

“Of cause you are Big Boy.” I cooed then attacked him with tickles.



How are you all?

Me? Oh how nice of you to ask. I am well in a lot of pain! Chronic Pain hurts! ........ Nah shit! I blame Hypobility!!!

but yeah, oh well I am getting there, plus writing helps get my mind off it. I am almost convinse that no one will read this..... Oh well. If you are reading this then....

WOW! I am proud and kinder shocked. Leave a comment, I will dedicate the next chapter to you. xoxo




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