XLII | Nico x Reader

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So sorry for the dam late update! I've been busy, and I've had writer's block.

Here's a Nico one!

"Hey Neeks! " you grinned and crushed him in a hug.

It had been ages since you guys had last met up. Because of restrictions on Nico's shadow travelling and your living on the other side of the country because of acting school, you guys had only seen each other during summers.

He'd grown taller now, almost a foot more than you. He was still as skinny as ever, although he'd gotten less pale.

"Ribs, Y/N!" He wheezed.

You pulled back and grinned at him.

"I missed you, Ghost King. "

He reached down and ruffled your hair.

"I missed you too, Warrior. "

You two stood in comfortable silence for a while.

You broke it.

"I'm only gonna be able to be here this week. There's an extra course on how to act out a death properly at school I have to go back for. "

Nico sighed. "Well, let's make this week worth it then. "

He suddenly scooped you up bridal style and ran towards your little cave in the woods.

You squealed and laughed all the way there, squirming, but he'd gotten stronger and it was harder than last summer.

You sat side by side against the cave wall, discussing the latest going-ons. You talked about acting school and he talked about camp.

"The Stolls and Leo managed to reprogram the lava wall so the lava was twice as fast, and the Ares cabin got a new camper who managed to dunk Clarisse in the toilet instead. Grover and Juniper have sorta gone on holiday and Jason should be coming round soon. "

You sighed. Acting school seemed so much more boring in comparison. "Our voice teacher made us learn different accents, and my script-writing teacher got us to write a whole new play without any guidance. The lockers got dented when out improv teacher decided to stage a fistfight in the corridor. "

You leaned your head on Nico's shoulder, feeling his warmth. You loved being with him. He made you feel safe and grounded.

"I missed you so much, " you said. "I don't think I'll be able to go back there again. I can't stand the thought of being apart from you. "

Suddenly, the prospect of returning to L.A. so soon was daunting.

Nico drew you close. He kissed your forehead, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.

"You'll do fine. " he said. "You're beautiful. You're talented. You'll be fine. "

That was it. That was what you missed most. He had a way of making you feel wanted and purposeful. No one else could make you feel that way.

There were another two years more at the school. Two more years to endure only seeing Nico during long holidays. Two more years to survive separated from him.

You cried quietly into his shoulder, and he wrapped both arms around you and gently whispered words like, "Don't cry, love. "

You managed to calm down after a while. Nico pulled you into a long, deep kiss.

When he pulled away, he looked deeply into your eyes. His chocolate brown irises were full of love and concern.

"Listen to me, Y/N. You'll be awesome at school. And if you miss me, you can IM me anytime. I promise we'll be fine."

You looked down at your hands.

"It's not the same, Neeks. " You looked up again, eyes shining.

"I need to be with you. "

Nico pulled you into his lap and hugged you tightly. He was silent for a long time.

"Tell you what, " he said. "I'll go to LA with you. I've got enough money saved, and besides, I don't really need to be here. "

You twisted around to look at him.

"You'd do that for me? "

"And more, Angel. "

You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Thank you. "

"Anything for you, Angel. "

You guys lay down on the blankets that had been spread out on the ground since the first time you guys had come to the cave. You lay your head over his heart, feeling the steady rhythm of his heart.

You leaned up and kissed him again, passionately.

"I love you, di Angelo. "

"I love you too, Angel. "

There! Done. Wow. I hope this was okay I had no plan at all.
Octavian's next!

Demigod x Reader // PJO HOO Reader Inserts // PJO HOO Imagines And PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now