XXII | Octavian x Reader

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Okay, I'm not really too good with Octavian, but I'll still give this one a shot.

You and Octavian were sitting under an apple tree and talking about random stuff when he asked, "Why don't people like me? "

You cocked your head to the side. "Um... you do realise that the first thing you ever do to them is gut their stuffed toys, right? "

"But it's my job! " he protested.

"It makes people think you're a creepy murderer.  " you said. "That was my first impression of you. "

His mouth formed an 'O'.

"And you're often really grumpy. " you said, thinking, "and you are rather mean. And manipulative. "

"I am? " he asked. "But that's only during senate meetings and with the Greeks and Reyna and the Fifth Cohort and... Oh..."

"Uh huh. " you said. "If you were, you know, nicer to others and less prejudiced, and I guess if you wore your toga less, you might have more friends. "

"I could try, " Octavian said, chewing  his bottom lip nervously, "but I'm not sure if I can change. "

You smiled and kissed him. "You don't have to change. I love you the just the way you are. "

"Wasn't that last bit a song? " he asked.

"If you want some friends, just be a bit more normal and talk about stuff like singers. People don't like people who talk about doom and death all the time. " you said.

"Okay. " he said, " but I think I like the way I am. "

"Me too."

Oh gods, help me. I had no idea how to end this one.

Dedication goes to Snowflakerose101 for getting the language right in the last Travis shot.

By the way, this will probably be the last time I'll ever do an Octavian shot. Sorry to all his fans.

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