LII | Luke x Reader

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Surprise! Here's a Luke one, where he is still alive, unlike the last one.

I generally prefer not to write stories where the main character is a victim and the boy saves him/her, but I was halfway through this and I figured even the strongest of people break down eventually and this is that moment.

Trigger warning: there is blood and also mention of sister's death.

Background: You are a part of Kronos' army.

You lay a hand against the warm metal of the blade. It had been cool once, but the blood of other demigods had infused in it a sort of wicked heat, smoldering at your heart as the guilt gnawed at you from the inside.

Y/N, not you. Why you?

Your brother Will Solace's words echoed through your head as the image of crimson blood filled your vision as the very sword you were holding slashed across his arm. His cry of pain hurt less than that immense look of betrayal that shattered your heart.

As you stared at the bloodstained blade, you began to question the side you had chosen. You had chosen the Titans in revenge. Because your godly parent had not cared about the products of his/her fondueing, your sister had not survived the monster attack that occurred when the two of you were trying to get to Camp Half-Blood, at age 15. Distaste for the Olympians had simmered in you since then.

Distaste turned to hate when you saw how your best friend Luke had been scarred on the quest his father had sent him on.

But the cost of your hate? The disappointment on your sibling's faces, the blood of your friends on your sword. Was it worth the revenge?

The scarlet on the sword suddenly sent a wave of repulse through you, and you let out a heartwrenching scream as you pulled your arm back as far you could and hurled the weapon into the swirling ocean.


You didn't turn around, but you knew it was him. Luke.

It had started out as a partnership. Two riled up, angry teens, simmering with hate at their godly parents yearning desperately to overthrow them. But beneath the hate, you had managed to see the other parts of him, the kind parts, the broken parts, the caring parts. And he in you. And so, as teenagers usually do in such circumstances, the two of you fell in love.

Strong arms circled around your shoulders, pulling you into a tight embrace. "What's wrong, soldier?"

Luke's heartbeat was gentle against your shoulder, steady, like a metronome that gave your chaotic life structure. You leaned into his chest, looking out blankly at the horizon, off the deck  of the Princess Andromeda.

"I can't do this anymore," you said quietly, barely louder than a whisper.

You turned around slowly. Luke's blue eyes were soft, the scar on his face slanting gently as his lips parted in concern. "You can't take this side of the fight anymore," Luke said, chewing on his bottom lip. 

"I... I joined this side to help other demigods. To stop the Olympians so that they could have better lives. But this?" You gestured at yourself, shirt still stained with specks of blood. "This is wrong. I'm hurting them. I don't want to hurt them."

Tears hid behind your eyelids. You desperately tried to will them away, hating to appear weak, but they forced their way out anyway, as easily as the blood had flowed from the wounds you had created.

"Hey, look at me," Luke's voice was an oasis of calm as conflicting thoughts shot through your head, making it so that it felt like the entire battle was repeating itself within the confines of your skull. "It's okay to cry."

You leaned your head against his shoulder, great hacking sobs escaping your throat as you tried to put a stopper in your tears. "I have to go back," you gasped out in between desperate gulps of air. 

"I know," Luke replied, his hand gently caressing your hair as he pressed his lips to your head.

"I'm going to have to fight you," you realised. "I don't want to fight you."

Luke's hand stilled in your hair. You looked up at him, knowing something was wrong, that something greater than the two of you was happening, that there was something he was keeping from you.

"What is it, soldier?" You asked, watching his arms go limp and drop to his sides.

A sharp intake of breath started off his reply. "Kronos wants to use me. My body, at least. He wants me to be his host, be a stepping stone. But his plan, oh gods, why was I so blind, isn't to get rid of just the gods. He wants to take over the world. And I can't stop him from destroying everything."

"He'll kill you, won't he?"

"I will burn up from the inside," Luke confirmed, tears dripping down the length of his scar. "You won't be fighting me. The person you'll face when we next meet on the battlefield won't be me. And no matter what I do, I can't change that."

It was a partnership again. Two broken, lost young adults who made bad choices, still very much in love, but couldn't fix themselves, let alone each other.

You brought your lips up to his and kissed him lightly. 

"We'll figure this out," you whispered into the small space between your bodies. "We always do."

Except you didn't.


I am tearing up. Why do I do these things to myself. This was meant to be a cute fluffy Luke oneshot, but it turned dark and sad and now I need to go find Kleenex. I am so so so so sorry I hurt Will, the poor child.

I also realise that even though this is a Luke oneshot, there is very little Luke and more reader. Mi dispiace.

Also, in case you're wondering, yes, both die in the end, in the Battle of Manhattan.

I'm off to try to write a nice Luke one.

Ta for now,


Demigod x Reader // PJO HOO Reader Inserts // PJO HOO Imagines And PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now