XVII | Leo x Reader

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The day started of as per normal. You had breakfast, went for training, showered and took a nap. Nothing was out of place.

That is, until you decided to go to the woods to read.

You were on the fourth chapter of the book when a Minotaur charged out at you.

Wait a minute, monsters couldn't enter camp without permission.

You looked closer and realised that it was bronze. An automaton. Great. So much easier to beat. (Note the sarcasm.) Probably built long ago to protect camp. Just like Festus.

You screamed and fumbled for your weapons.

They consisted of:


-throwing knives

-mini smoke bombs

-two double edged swords.

The swords were your last resort. You were more of a stealth person, like a ninja. You weren't all too great at straight out fighting. Plus, how would darts affect an automaton? They'd probably feel like toothpicks.

You let out a scream and backed up against a tree. The automaton snorted a jets of fire puffed out of its nostrils. Great. It also breathes fire.

You froze, but you heard a shout from somewhere behind. "(Y/N)! Are you alright? "

You recognized the voice. It belonged to your super cute and amazing boyfriend, Valdez.

You spun around. Leo had an anxious look on his face. "Oh, let me think, a bronze bull man wants to eat me. Do you think I'm okay? " Seeing the hurt expression on his face, you said sorry.

"Nah, it's ok. It was a stupid question. " he replied. "Let's go stop that bull from frying the camp.

You took out your swords and charged with him.

Note to self: When charging a bronze Minotaur, do not assume it's anything like a regular one.

You tried to kill it with a stab to the heart. You ended up with flaming hair and clinging onto the monster bareback. (Don't ask me how you got up there. It just happened. )

You wrapped one arm around the sword that was attaching you to the beast and took out a throwing knife. You dug into its back, somehow without it noticing, and started to climb down using the knives as claws.

You flipped your hair out of tour eyes and turned around to find Leo being bathed in flames. Well, you couldn't really see him, but you could see the flames.

"LEO!!! " you screamed. He had to be dead. No one could survive flames like that.

Suddenly, the Minotaur froze and the fire died.

Leo was standing there looking perfectly fine.

You ran to him and hugged him. "I thought you were dead! "

"I'm fireproof, remember? "

You blushed. "Oh. Right. "

"How'd you stop it? "

"Twisted it's eyeballs to turn it off. "

You kissed his cheek. "Thanks for saving me, Repair Boy. "

"There's no need to thank me. Saving damsels in distress is part of my daily routine. "

You punched him in the arm.

"I didn't need saving. " you pouted.

"You nearly got your head burnt-"

"Shut up, Valdez. " You shut him up with a kiss.

Well, how was that? Thanks for requesting! It makes decisions much easier.

Zoy gin!

Thanks for reading!

Demigod x Reader // PJO HOO Reader Inserts // PJO HOO Imagines And PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now