XV | Percy x Reader

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You were walking towards the beach when you saw your boyfriend kissing Drew Tanaka (sp?).

You froze. Then you ran up to him and pulled him away from Drew. And you slapped him.

"(Y/N)! It isn't what you think. I- "

"Save it! " you shouted, "we're over! " You stormed back to your cabin crying.

Jerk. What did I ever see in him. you thought. Stop crying. He isn't worth it.

But you couldn't stop the tears.

You heard footsteps coming towards you.

Percy's POV

"Um, (Y/N)? Are you okay? "

I mentally face-palmed myself. Stupid question. She obviously wasn't okay.

"What's wrong? " I asked.

"Nothing. " she replied, her voice muffled by her pillow.

"Come on, you can tell me. " I coaxed.

She raised her head of the pillow.

"Josh was cheating on me. " she whispered.

Your POV

I saw anger flash in Percy's eyes, then concern, than anger again. Then he said, "where is he? "

This was getting dangerous. Percy was the best swordsman at camp and if you got him mad, you were screwed.

"I don't know, " you replied. Not really a lie, though not the whole truth.

"He's dead, " Percy growled and stalked out of camp.

Percy's POV.

I stalked out to the Zeus cabin. I wanted to ask Jason how to help (Y/N), since he had a girlfriend from the Aphrodite cabin.

"Hey Sparky. " I said as I stepped in.

Jason looked up. "Hi Kelp Head. "

"I need help. "

"Did you tick off Clarrise again? " he asked.

"No, I- "

"Did Tyson decide to keep Rainbow in your cabin? "

"No, I-"

"Did you-"

I had enough. "Josh was cheating on (Y/N). "

Jason's eyes boggled. "He did what? "

"I wanna know how to help her. And decorate Josh a little. "

"Man, I knew you liked her, but not this much. "

"Shut up, Grace. " I growled.

"Why don't you just ask her out? "

"Say what now? "

"She needs cheering up. The fact that someone likes her might help. "

"You sure? "

"No, but just give it a shot. "

"Okay. "

I walked towards the (G/P) cabin to find (Y/N) standing outside burning a bunch of papers.

I walked closer and discovered that they were pictures of her and that jerk.

I walked up to her and said, "Hey. " Yeah. Lame. I know.

"Hi. " she replied. "I'm over him. "

I was rather surprised. "So soon? "

"I realised there's someone else I like. " she smiled.

My heart began to race. Oh no.

"You. " she said and blushed furiously.

No way! Dreams do come true. "You don't have to be so embarrassed. " I said. " Cuz I feel the same way. "

She looked pretty shocked.

"Are you serious? " she asked.

"Will you be my girlfriend? " I said by way of answer.

"Oh my gods yes! " she basically screamed.

I sighed contentedly and made a mental to thank Jason.


Hi people! I found this one really messy, but overall okay. Hope you enjoyed.


Thanks to everyone who's reading commenting and voting!


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