XXXIX | Leo x Reader

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It was like any other day at camp. Clarisse was dunking people into the toilet and the Stolls were stealing stuff from the camp store. The only thing out of the ordinary was the Dragon in the center of camp. Sitting on top was your boyfriend, Leo.

"What are you doing? " you shouted up.

Leo smiled. "Climb on. I've got a surprise. "he said.

You groaned. This wasn't gonna be fun. Hundreds of feet from the ground with no reliable harness and an extremely annoying boyfriend, this was, in your eyes, extreme torture.

You climbed on anyway. Without warning, you felt you vision get blocked with black.

"Leo! What's happening?! " you screamed as Festus took off.

A lot of screaming and punching later.

Leo took off the blindfold. You opened your eyes slowly and gasped. There was no way this was happening.

"Leo! " you grinned at him. "You didn't have to! "

He'd taken you to a concert. An R5 concert, to be specific. Somehow, he'd gotten you into the first row.

"Oh my freaking Olympians, Leo. Thank you so much. But... How? " you asked and hugged him.

"It's your birthday. And Will knows a guy. Or rather, he's friends with a guy who's friends with Ryland. "

You grinned. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you sooo much, Leo. You are the perfect boyfriend. "

Leo brushed of his shoulder and said, "It was no biggie. I'm just too awesome. You have no need to thank me. It's what Leo Mc-"

Well, kissing was a good way to cut a person off.

I feel like my writing is deteriorating somehow. Is it? I feel like in running out of inspiration.

Anyway, Luke's next.

See you.

Demigod x Reader // PJO HOO Reader Inserts // PJO HOO Imagines And PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now