XII | Octavian x Reader

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Location: Camp Jupiter.

Time: One week after your arrival.

You walked towards the dining pavilion growling under your breath. "Stupid teddy bear murdering augur. " He'd just confiscated your stuffed turtle and slit its stomach.

You were extremely grouchy, which surprised everyone because you were normally overly-cheerful.

When you got back to your bunk in the First Cohort barracks, you found a pitiful looking flower and a stuffed turtle on the covers.

"What the-" you said. There was a little note tucked under the sheets.

Dear (Y/N),

I noticed how upset you were about your turtle- Shelly, right? Anyway, to apologise, I got you a new one. I couldn't find one exactly the same, but I hope you like it. Sorry again.


You grabbed the turtle and got to his bunk.

"Why did you give me this, Octavian?" you said.

He looked up from the teddy bear he was scrutinizing.

"Like I said in the note, to apologize." he replied.

"And why would you apologize? And why only to me? " you interrogated.

"I wanted to. "

"That doesn't make any sense. If you did something, there has to be a more solid reason than 'I wanted to'. "

"Well, " he stood up and hooked the bear back onto his belt. "It kinda bothered me to see you upset. "

"And what about everyone else who've had their teddy bears killed? " you questioned.

Octavian blushed. That wasn't possible, was it? The great Octavian never blushed.

"I...um...I... " he kept starting and stopping.

"Spit it out, will you? " you muttered.

"I... I think I might... um... I kinda sorta like you? " He was as red as a tomato.

You stood there dumbfounded. Octavian was cold guy with no heart. The out of the blue he says he likes you?

He picked at the edge of his toga. This probably wasn't the way he had expected himself to confess his feelings.

Suddenly, he grabbed you and pulled you towards him. His lips came crashing down on yours. You were pretty stunned. Now the Great Octavian was kissing you. You tentatively kissed back, but he pulled away.

"Sorry. " he muttered.

"For what? " you asked, puzzled.

"Kissing you without permission. " he said, the tips of his ears red.

"It's okay, I guess. "

"Will... will you... um... uh... will you be my girlfriend?" he stuttered. His face turned an even brighter shade of red.

You didn't answer. Now he was asking you to be his girlfriend? Shocking.

You gave a hesitant nod. "Yes. "

Octavian's face broke into a smile. "Thank the gods. "

You walked back to your bunk feeling troubled, but happy. I guess I wasn't really fair to Octavian. But we're all good now. Better than that, actually, you thought.

You, needless to say, slept very peacefully, while Octavian sat in his bunk quietly celebrating. The End.

Okay, this turned out okay, so I've decided to do another Octavian one. I was just wondering, should I do one for Will Solace?

Bye bye!


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