XXIII | Leo x Reader

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Oh my gods. Thank you SO much for 2K reads.

Here's the story.

Warning: Some swearing involved.

You were getting tired of being a prisoner.

You paced the cage, wanting do something, anything, besides sitting in a dark prison alone.

Finally, you couldn't takeout anymore. You screamed, "Let me out of here Gaia! Keeping me here is not gonna help you one bit b*tch! "

Gaia's sleepy face rose from the dirt in the ground.

"Oh... But it will. " She smiled. "I am very certain that a certain... demigod... shall come to find you... and he shall perish because of you. "

Leo. Oh gods, this was a huge problem. Gaia wanted him dead because of that line in the Prophecy of Eight. (Just pretend it's eight, okay? ) To storm or does the world must fall. Gaia must have known, and she was probably scared, otherwise she wouldn't be doing this.

You knew he would come for you. He'd sworn on the Styx that he would always save you, even if he died.

"You f***ing b**ch! Kill me! Leave Leo alone! He's done nothing wrong! " You screamed.

"I am afraid that I must disagree. " Gaia smirked and said, " Bring the boy in. "

Two Earthborn dragged a limp, bloody figure into the cell beside her. Leo!!!

"What have you done to him?! " you screamed.

"Oh, well, he struggled, they fought, he got knocked out. " Gaia shrugged as though it wasn't a big deal.

Leo's eyes opened. "Y/N... " he said. He struggled to his feet.

"Leave her alone, Gaia! " he yelled. "It's me you want. "

You crossed over to the side of the cage and told Leo in a whisper, "Leave. They haven't locked you in. Go while you can. "

Leo struggled over. "I promised. I'm not leaving you here. "

He turned to face Gaia. "Do you swear to leave her alone and let her go if I stay behind? " he asked.

You shook the bars and yelled, "Leo, no! "

He ignored you. Gaia smiled, "Yes, my dear demigod. I swear on the River Styx. "

Leo let out a breath.

Gaia said, "I'll give you two a while to say goodbye. "

The bars in between your cages disappeared.

You ran to him. "Don't do it Leo. I'm not worth it. " you pleaded.

"You are. " he said. "I have to save you. If you die, there's nothing for me to live for. I have no one else. "

"Don't say that! You have the others, and your dad! And what will happen to me if you die, huh? I need you, Leo. Don't die for me. Please. " you begged.

He hugged you. "I'm sorry, (Y/N). " he kissed you and shouted, "Gaia! We're ready. "

An empousa walked in with a sword in hand. Leo stood tall and straight despite his wounds, accepting his fate.

But you didn't.

As the empousa swung the sword at Leo's neck, you jumped in front of him. The knife sliced your throat and you screamed in pain.

Everything was still. The empousa was too shocked to react.

Your breathing was ragged. "Leo, go. I don't want you to die. I'm sorry. "

"You're not dying on me. Stay awake. You can't die. " he pleaded.

"I'm sorry. Go. " you repeated.

"I'm not leaving you. " he said. He grabbed the sword from the stunned empousa and cut his throat.

As the two of you looked at each other on the floor, your eyes locked as you took your last few breaths. Your lips met.

"Together. " You and Leo said in unison.

And you died in each other's arms.

Gods, that was the crappiest ending ever.

How was it? I'm sorry for the cussing. It wasn't necessary, but it helped to bring out the anger. If you disapprove, tell me and I promise I'll try not to do so again.

Request are still open!

Love you all.


Demigod x Reader // PJO HOO Reader Inserts // PJO HOO Imagines And PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now