XXXIII | Leo x Reader

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Just to be clear, you're already dating.

Warning: Extreme childishness ahead.

You were lying on the couch in your home watching a movie with the one and only, Leo McShizzle.

You were watching Sleepy Hollow (the cartoon version, not the one on Fox) with a box of popcorn in your lap.

It got to the part where Ichabod Crane met the headless horseman. You jumped into Leo's lap in fear and screamed.

"What's so creepy? He's just missing a head. " he asked. You just buried your face further into his neck.

"Are you scared? Looks like little bitty Y/N is scared! Oooh. So adorable! " he cooed.

You moved off him and threw a handful of popcorn at him. He squealed like a kid and yelled, "Now I'm covered in butter! "

You snickered and said, "Serves you right. "

Leo smirked and said, "C'mere, Y/N. Lemme give you a big bear hug! "

He walked towards you and you stumbled backwards in terror. "Pls don't do this Leo! Please????? "

He just grabbed your hand and pulled you into a rough embrace. "NOOO! " you moaned as he covered you in butter.

You threw another handful of popcorn and he threw some back. Pretty soon, it was a full out popcorn war.

When it was over (you'd won, because you kissed him and stole his ammo), you looked around and said, "I think we should clean up before my brothers come back and kill me. "

"Okay, " Leo said. "But first... "

He shoved you onto the butter-covered floor and giggles as he sat on top of you. As you squirmed under him, you could feel the butter all over your arms.

Of course, the easiest method to get him off was:

"Hey, Leo, " you gasped. "If you get off I'll give you a kiss. "

He stood up and helped you to your feet. You kissed him, and as he was in a trance, you whispered, "Do you swear on the Styx to help me clean up this mess without my help? "

He was dazed, so he just said, "Duh. Whatever you want. "

Then he shook himself awake. "Y/N!"

Let's just say he was faster than he looked but also had the makings of a very good janitor.

Ta-da! Funny enough? Requests are still closed because I have two more to finish, but afterwards they'll be open again!

Please give feedback! And s vote!

Just, out of curiosity, who here's a fan of R5?

1 more day for you Americans! Argh! Why do I have to live halfway across the world? I need the Blood of Olympus!!!

Help me!!!

Demigod x Reader // PJO HOO Reader Inserts // PJO HOO Imagines And PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now