XLVI | Apollo x Reader

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I'm guessing this book can no longer be called a demigod x reader.

This is based on when Apollo got turned into a mortal. (If you didn't already know, Uncle Rick is writing a new series called the Trials of Apollo)

And cue the music.

Apollo had invited you to watch him during orchestra practice. It was the first time in your life you were going to see the behind-the-scenes of an orchestra and needless to say, you were excited.

For the past few months, he had been adjusting to mortal life. That meant making friends, eating pizza and trying to have a healthy relationship.

The two of you walked into the practice room. Apollo immediately set his violin case down and went to chat with a cellist.

You took in the bustle of the room as everyone rushed to set up. Stands being shoved around, mumbled apologies as equipment bumped, the sounds of tuning. It was strangely fascinating.

Wanting to help Apollo, you opened up the case, revealing the sleak, well cared for violin. You carefully pulled the bow out of the case-snapping off a few hairs, but he wouldn't notice, right?- and set it on the bench beside you with the violin. You curiously opened up the flap at the side, wondering what was underneath. You opened a small white box and pulled away a piece of red cloth to find a shiny piece of black thing.

A little bit had cracked off, and you picked it up and placed it experimentally into your mouth.

Apollo's POV
I was bragging to my friends about my brand-new rosin (which wasn't cheap, by the way, especially for a dishonored god). We were discussing the brands and types of rosin and ranting about the conductor when I heard a little sound of disgust behind me.

I turned around to find Y/N bent double, gagging into her hand (which miraculously held a piece of Kleenex). I rushed over to her, worried. What was wrong? Was she sick? Darn Zeus for rendering me powerless! How am I supposed to save my girlfriend?

The I realised that my rosin was on the bench next to her, a portion of it missing.

"Y/N?" I asked, trying to contain my laughter. "Did you eat my rosin?"

Y/N lifted her head and glared at me, wiping her tongue with the Kleenex. "Don't laugh at me, Apollo."

Of course, I laughed. You would have too.

"My girlfriend is wack,
She ate my brand new rosin,
I love her so much."

I said, spontaneously coming up with a wonderful haiku.

She crinkled her nose in disgust. "This is why you are no longer a god. Your poems suck. "

"You still owe me a new rosin," I reminded her, packing the remaining rosin into the case.

"I hate you," she mumbled, glaring at me.

I grinned and headed towards the stage. "Love you too!"

I was just about to sit down when I realised that half the hairs on my bow were gone.

You also owe me a new bow, love.

Holy schist that sucked I am so sorry!

By the way, have any of you ever eaten rosin? If so, what does it taste like?

Thanks for reading!

EA Shane

Demigod x Reader // PJO HOO Reader Inserts // PJO HOO Imagines And PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now