XLV | Piper x Reader

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K. I don't mean to offend anyone, but I'm gonna be writing 'she' for the reader cuz it's a little time-consuming to type she/he all the time.

Also, they can use technology cuz Leo is an awesome Hephaestus kid.

Jason doesn't exist in this btw.

Warning: little bit of swearing

Your POV

"Get out you sl*t! It's over! I'm not gonna date a d*ke like you! I can't believe I ever liked a f*ggot!"

You teared up as your boyfreind threw your things out of the drawers in his bedside table.

Your whole body shook as you picked up some of your things and stumbled out the door.

You collapsed on your bunk in the G/P cabin and sobbed.

You couldn't believe it. Eric had always been so sweet and caring and loving. You'd loved him utterly and completely, and believed that he'd support your coming out.

You heard knocking on the door.

You felt the mattress dip as someone sat next to you. You felt an arm wrap itself around you gently.

"Piper?" You couldn't help but be surprised. Sure, you guys may have been best friends, but she was also Eric's brother. "What are you doing here? Why aren't you comforting E...Eric?"

Your voice caught on his name and tears began sliding down your cheeks again.

Piper pulled you into a hug as you cried into her shoulder. "My brother's a jerk. I'm so sorry he did that to you."

"What d'you mean? Aren't you gonna call me some disgusting abomination or something?"

Piper pulled away. "Y/N, I'm a daughter of Aphrodite and I believe that love is love and we can all love whomever we want. Being bisexual or gay or lesbian or transexual or anything else doesn't make you a piece of scum. It's the people who judge you for being who you are that are. And Eric's one of them."

Maybe it was just Piper's charmspeak, but you felt better now.

"Thanks, Pipes. I was just hoping so much that he wouldn't hate me for it."

You wiped your eyes and forced a smile.

"Can we watch a movie?" You askef.

Piper was already rushing for the storage cabinet with the fluffy pillows and blankets.

"You want The Maze Runner or a season of Teen Wolf?" Piper asked, looking through the discs.

You didn't even blink. "TEEN WOLF. Season 3. Both parts."

Piper grinned at you. "Binging Teen Wolf is the best way to get through a breakup. Or so Lacy tells me, anyway."

The two of you set up a fort in the middle of the room and the episode started rolling.

Time skip
By the time you'd reached the last few episodes, several boxes of kleenex were empty and tossed around. You had fresh tear tracks running down your face.

It got to the part where Allison was saying her last words. You and Piper were clinging to each other, crying.

Piper paused the episode, wiping her face. "This is so SAD!"

The two of you reclined on the mound of blankets and resumed watching. At some point, you found Piper with her head on your shoulder. It was a position you were familiar with. The two of you were always leaning on each other.

But now, this feeling caused a flutter in your stomach and brought out a strange sense of comfort.

She's my best friend, you thought. I can't think like this.

Not to mention the fact that Piper was definitely straight.

You held back the confusing feeling, focusing your attention on the TV.

Eventually you got to the last episode, with Aiden's death about to come up.

You turned to each other, faces wet.

" I can't bring myself to watch this." Piper said. "Not again."

You agreed and turned away from the screen, and found yourself staring into her eyes.

As the sounds of the pack's battle against the Oni faded into the background, all you could focus on was how close you were to Piper.

Gods, your head was swimming with so many doubts. She probably only thought of you as a sister. This was never going to work.

Piper surprised you and made the first move.

She leaned forward and pressed her lips to yours, gently.

Your hands, which had been placed right next to you at first, found their way to her hips.

It wasn't rough. Piper didn't do that. It was soft and gentle and sweet and a perfect first kiss.

Piper pulled away, her multicolored eyes swirling.

"I know you just broke up and you probably need more time," she said. "But I just want you to know I'm here if you want me. I've got your back."

You smiled. Actually dating her would be a bit too soon, but the knowledge made you happy.

Gods, I hope that didn't suck too much.

Here's a little self advertising. Check out my Teen Wolf Imagines! You won't regret it.

Thanks for reading this! It's either Annabeth or Apollo next!

Not goodbye :)

Demigod x Reader // PJO HOO Reader Inserts // PJO HOO Imagines And PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now