XXV | Nico x Reader

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I'm back! I kinda read this in another one-shot book, but it was totally awesome so I decided to tweak it a bit. Thanks for suggesting!

It was the day of the camp's first masquerade ball. Apparently Mr. D watched Barbie and the Three Musqateers (sp?) and decided it would be a good idea to have a ball.

You were wearing an ankle length black silk dress and a matching black mask that covered your entire face.

No one had asked you out though, but you'd been hoping that Nico would ask you out. He hadn't said or done anything up till tonight.

At the party.

You were sitting at the end of the auditorium, where the ball was held, and listening to the slow dancing and wishing that you had a partner when a boy in a tux with a black and grey mask that only showed his left eye walked up to you and asked you to dance.

"Why not? "you thought. "Might as well have fun. "

You danced with this anonymous person, thinking about how much you wished it was Nico.

As you stepped backwards, you asked, "Why are you all alone tonight? "

He stumbled over his feet as he stuttered.

"I didn't ask anyone out. " he muttered.

"Why? " you asked.

"I didn't have the nerve. " he looked at the ground.

"Look up. " you commanded. His face tilted up and you couldn't help but get lost in his chocolate-brown eyes that seemed so familiar. Snapping out of your trance, you asked, "Who would you have asked out? "

The boy sighed and mumbled, "Y/N. "

You couldn't help but stumble. This strange boy liked you?

You forced yourself to keep from blurting out the questions rushing through your head. "What's your name? "

He hesitated. "Don't tell Y/N I like her. "

You nodded.

"Nico. "

You let out a gasp. Nico liked you? That wasn't possible. You tripped on the floor and fell over, pulling Nico down with you. Your mask slipped off to show your face.

Nico took one glance at you and gulped. "Just my luck. " he grumbled.

He got to his feet and pulled his mask off.

"Nico, " you said as he pulled you up, "did you really want to ask me out? "

He swallowed and nodded. He looked like he might bolt off at any moment.

"Why didn't you? "

"I'm a chicken. " he cleared his throat and replied.

"I was hoping you would ask me. " you admitted.

"I wish I had. " Nico replied sheepishly.

"I think Aphrodite likes us, " you said, "or we wouldn't have ended up dancing together. "

"Yeah. "he replied. "So... Do you wanna dance? "

"Sure. "

So, I've decided not to end the book, but updates will be sluggish cuz I've got Finals soon and my mum is controlling my phone use. Ugh, parents.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed. I might update tomorrow, but I'm not sure.


Btw, thanks so much for 3.3K reads. It means so much!

Demigod x Reader // PJO HOO Reader Inserts // PJO HOO Imagines And PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now