XXIX | Connor x Reader

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A year after the Titan War. You are Katie's biological sister. You are not dating.

P.S. Don't kill me! I don't know any other couples with Hermes cabin.

Your POV

You looked at the calender by your bedside table and tears threatened to fall. It's been a year since Katie died. You still hadn't gotten over it.

You got dressed in black and headed to the beach for the memorial. A year since the Giant War. Since the death of half the camp.

You were staring aimlessly at the horizon. After a while, you became aware of a presence a little way behind you.

You turned around to see Connor Stoll staring at the horizon as well. He had bags under his eyes and his cheeks were sunken. His eyes had lost their sparkle and he'd lost a lot of weight. Travis died too...

If this had been anytime before the Giant War, the two would have been at each other's throats. Now, you didn't care one bit. Everything was just a haze to blunder through.

Eventually, Connor turned tore his gaze from the sea and looked at you. "I'm sorry about Katie. " he croaked, tears spilling onto his cheeks.

You felt tears pool in your eyes. "I'm sorry about Travis. " You pulled your knees to your chest and began to cry.

You felt arms wrap around you. You looked up to find Connor crying into your shoulder.

You hugged him back awkwardly and he let go.

"Travis's last wish was that I'd find myself a girlfriend. " he hiccupped.

The grief in your chest made it nearly impossible for you to speak. "Katie said the same thing. " you whispered.

Truth be told, over the year, you and Connor had grown closer in your grief, to perhaps the point of frenemies, but you had developed a crush on him. He was different when he wasn't being screamed at. But you didn't know if Connor felt the same.

The two of you sat next to each other in silence, looking at the constellation Artemis had created in honor of Travis and Katie.

Unknowingly, you began to lean closer to Connor. He leaned closer too. You turned and looked into his eyes. His beautiful eyes.

You didn't know what caused you to do it. You just closed the gap between your faces. He didn't respond at first, but he got over his shock quickly and his lips moved against yours.

When you pulled away, you were both panting slightly.

"So... You like me? " Connor asked unsurely.

"Yes. " you answered.

"I feel the same way. "

There was a silence.

"I guess this is what Travis would have wanted. " Connor broke the silence. "And Katie. "

You could feel the tears coming back. Why aren't you here to see this Katie? Why did you have to die?

The dam broke and you let out a fresh wave of tears. Why didn't I save you? I wasn't a good sister. I'm an idiot.

Connor pulled you into a hug. "Don't cry, " he whispered. "That isn't what Katie would have wanted. She'd want you to be happy. "

"It's all my fault, " you cried into his shoulder. "I could've saved her. "

Connor hugged you tighter. "Don't say that. It isn't your fault. You were on the opposite side of camp. You couldn't have changed anything. "

You hiccupped yourself into silence.

"Would it make you happier if I asked you out? " Connor asked.

You nodded your head mutely.

"Will you be my girlfriend? " he asked.

You hugged him tightly and whispered, "It would make Katie happy. "

I killed Tratie! I killed Tratie! Mwahahahaha!

Jk. I feel terrible.

I'm sorry for the really late update!

Nico's next!

Cookies for everyone! Love you my minions.

Demigod x Reader // PJO HOO Reader Inserts // PJO HOO Imagines And PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now