XIII | Octavian x Reader

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Octavian's POV

I was off duty, so I wasn't wearing my toga. Despite what everyone thinks, I do not wear it all the time. Just 99% of the time.

I wore ripped jeans and a normal Camp shirt. The campers probably wouldn't recognize me. I look very different without my victims- ah, sorry, teddy bears, - on my belt.

I saw the new kid, I think her name was (Y/N), sitting in the sunshine on the hill outside (G/P)'s shrine.

Don't tell anyone, but I have a massive crush on her. I mean, she's the only one who doesn't think I'm scum. Yes, I am aware that you think I am.

She'd only been here 2 weeks, so I guess I might have a chance, seeing as she probably wouldn't be influenced yet.

I walked out to her side and sat down a little bit away from her.

"What are you doing here? " I asked.

"Enjoying the sun. " she said, eyes closed.

Perfect. I leaned in and kissed her.

Your POV

Oh my freaking gods, you thought, He's kissing me!

You had a huge crush on him. Sure, everyone told you to stay away, but you saw him during training and war games, and he wasn't all bad. Just slightly manipulative.

He pulled away and you gaped in shock. He got up and brushed himself off. He said, "I like you. " and was gone.

Okay, that was unexpected. All your previous crushes had turned you down. Now the best one has the same opinion?

He looked really hot without the toga. Like, you could see his muscles under his shirt. He wasn't too buff, or too skinny. He was just right. You'd gone wow when he sat next to you.

Octavian's POV

What had I done?

She just sat there after I kissed her.

Oh dear

I'm doomed.

Your POV.

You went to look for him and found him slicing up teddy bears in quick succession.

"Octavian, " you said.

He jumped to his feet and tried to run away, but you grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back.

"I like you too, you know. " You said.

Now it was his turn to gape like a fish.

You reached over to close his mouth and kissed him. 

"Stop gaping, " you commanded as you snapped your fingers in front of his eyes.

"B... but I thought..."

"You might want to shut up before you say something stupid, " you teased him.

"Sorry I ran away, " he said sheepishly. "Lost my nerve. "

"How manly. " you mocked.

He looked so sad at that.

" I'm sorry. " you said.

He smiled and said, "Gullible. "

"Hey! " you screamed indignantly.

"Before I lose my nerve again, will you be my girlfriend? " he asked.

"Yes, dummy, " you said, but inside your heart was racing. Finally!

Everyone was rather shocked when Octavian said he was your boyfriend now.

Ta-da! Whatcha think?


I've decided on Will Solace next, I think, so yeah.

Tell me who I should do, please? Otherwise I am a total mess.


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