XXXVIII | Leo x Reader

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Erm... I'm not really sure what I should do so I'll be making it up as I go...
You are Leo's girlfriend, but the rest of the campers don't know.

The Seven were having a sleepover in the Zeus cabin. Being Percy's sister, you were invited as well.

"What should we do?" Jason asked.

Piper smiled. "Makeover!!!"

Everyone groaned. She was becoming waaay too Aphrodite-y. "No! "

Everyone lapsed into silence. "What now? " Leo asked.

You had an idea. "PILLOW FIGHT!!! " you chirped.

Everyone shrugged and Percy said, "Sure, why not? "

Everyone started grabbing a pillow and attacking each other. After a few minutes of savage pillow whipping, Leo extracted himself from the fight and stood on the top of the bunk in the middle of the room.

"I am the Great Leo McShizzle! The greatest of them all! You cannot beat me! Join me and you shall be rewarded!" He turned and looked at me. Seriously, that dude flirted with everyone. But then again, that's why we loved him. "Y/N L/N, I now speak directly to you. On this day you have allowed your friends and family to get smacked in the face by fluffy pillows for you. This does not have to be. I await you at the top of this bunk. You have one hour. "

Annabeth glared at him. "You're quoting him wrongly! And besides, why Y/N? She already has to survive Percy. Leave the poor girl be! "

Percy let out a little sound of protest and Annabeth ignored him. Leo completely ignored Annabeth and started strutting around on the bunk. "All the ladies love Leo!" "Scrawny is the new sizzling hot!" "Team Leo!" "I am unbeatable!" Then he tripped and fell on his face.

You stepped onto the bunk next to his. "I'd like to say something. "
Everyone looked on with amused grins.

"People trip and fall everyday. Friends, family. They didn't trip and fall in vain. Leo's heart did beat for us! For all of us! It's not over!" You turned around and picked up a pillow, swinging it at Leo who had just got to his feet.

"Well, now it is. " you said and stepped off the bed as Leo fell back into the mattress, butt high in the air.
Everyone burst into hysterical laughter. "Good one, YN!" Percy shouted.

They got back to their pillow fight. As Percy squashed Jason under a feathery pillow, you looked up and saw Leo in a corner of the room.

"Leo? You alright?" You asked as you reached him.
"Yeah. Fine. " he said shortly.
"What's bothering you?" You pried.
Leo sighed. "It's just... When are we gonna tell them about us?"
"I thought you're the one who didn't want anyone to know. " you replied.
"Well, yeah, but now I want them to know. "
"Oh. So now you change your mind. Why?"
Leo hesitated. "They keep talking to me like I'm just an annoying flirt. Like I'm just flirting with you. But I'm not! I'm your BOYFRIEND. " His voice raised in volume at the last few words.

You realized that the cabin was silent. Then the cheering started.
"Yes! Go Leo and YN!" Piper yelled.
Frank and Hazel whooped.
"I knew it would happen eventually. " Annabeth said.
"Way to go, bro!" Jason whooped.
"You'd better not hurt her Valdez. " Percy said.

"Well, now they know, Mr McShizzle. Happy now?" You said.

Completed! Sorry for the wait. I've been caught up in holiday activities. :)
I'll try do Luke next.

Demigod x Reader // PJO HOO Reader Inserts // PJO HOO Imagines And PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now