VIII | Travis x Reader

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Imagine you are a daughter of Poseidon. You are not dating.

It was just another day at camp. Meaning, you'd spent the morning on chores, afternoon on training and the rest of the time chasing the Stolls.

This time, they'd stolen your bracelet/weapon, and they were making you chase them around camp to get it back. You'd tried being polite, but nooooo, they just couldn't give it back.

As they ran pass the creek, it leapt off the banks and swallowed them. It formed a ball around them and they failed around in it trying to claw their way out. You reached in and plucked your bracelet out of Travis' hands.

You released them, and they fell to the ground choking and gasping. You casually waved them goodbye and walked away.

Stupid Stolls. you thought. Always stealing my stuff.

You sat down on your bed in a huff and felt something crackle beneath your butt. It was a note.

Dear (Y/N),

I'm really sorry about what's going to happen to you, but I can't chicken out. But I want to apologize, and if you're not too upset, could you meet me by the creek at 8:00?

There was no signature, but you deduced that it was one of the Stolls. Who else could it be?

You decided to meet him, just so you could beat him up for being such a *insert choice of title here*.

Time skip to 8:00

When you got there, you found Travis sitting by the creek in his camp shirt and a pair of jeans, sobbing and muttering to himself. You felt the urge to spy, and being the eavesdropper that you are, decided to do just that.

You hid behind the tree as you watched Travis.

His body racked with sobs as he said, "W... why did I d... do that? She already hates me... Why did I have to make it worse?! She'll never like me. I've got to get over her. I've got to get over her. " He kept repeating the last line, but tears still streamed down his face.

"I CAN'T DO IT!!! " he screamed, bursting into tears again.

It shocked you to see him like this. He was always happy-go-lucky and cheeky, but this was a side you'd never seen before.

All your thoughts for revenge were forgotten when you walked up to him.

You touched him on the shoulder and he jumped up startled. He furiously wiped at the tears on his face and said, "Hi (Y/N), um...I'm really sorry about the prank and... um... yeah. That's all. Bye. " He turned to run back to his cabin.

You turned him around and gave him a hug and a hanky to wipe off his tears.

"You know, whoever this girl is, no matter what you've done, you should just give it a shot, " you told him. "Who is it? I'll help. "

Travis shook his head and sniffled. "I can't say. "

"I promise I won't tell. "

He took a deep breadth and said, "You. "

You nearly fell over in shock. "Me? But I thought you hated me. "

Travis shook his head again. "I really really like you, (Y/N). "

You didnt know what to say. Travis liked you? How could that be?

You must have been silent for a long time because Travis said, "I understand if you don't like me, I'll eventually get over you but... "

You wondered. Did you like Travis? You began to think about all the times when he had pranked you. He'd always been a bit slower and let her catch up and take your stuff back.

There were small things you hadn't really noticed, like how whenever you dropped something, he would pick it up for you. Then you thought of all the time you spent chasing them and screaming at them. You had to admit, it was quite fun, and rather enjoyable. You remembered that one time when you'd tripped over a stone chasing after Travis, and he was the one who turned around and caught you before you hit the ground.

As you thought more and more, you began to realise that beneath all the annoyance, there was, surprisingly, some kind of attraction. You hugged him and whispered in his ear, "Who said so? "

You leaned back and saw his face in utter surprise. Then he slowly lifted you up and kissed you. You kissed back, and you felt sparks fly. You pulled him into the creek and created an air bubble at the bottom.

And it was basically the best underwater kiss of all time.

Funny how you wanted to kill him not long ago, but now you guys were dating.

Wow! Long chappie. I tried to make it longer to make it up for the one-day-late update.

This chapter is dedicated to Legend126 for voting, commenting and following.

Requests are still open!





Demigod x Reader // PJO HOO Reader Inserts // PJO HOO Imagines And PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now