XVI | Nico x Reader

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More of Truth or Dare, but still with some romance.

You were playing Truth or Dare with Clarrise, the Stolls, Katie Gardner, the Seven, Nico, Thalia and Will Solace.

"(Y/N)! Truth or Dare? " Piper asked.

Uh oh. What to do? If you picked truth, they'd call you chicken. If you picked dare, well, let's just say that based on the previous ones, the result wouldn't be pretty.

"Um, dare. " you said hesitantly.

Piper frowned. She had obviously not expected that. "Well, let's see... I dare you to kiss Nico. "

You nearly choked on your saliva. "What?! " you shrieked.

"You could always choose to forfeit. And you know I come up with great forfeits. "

It was true. Last time, she'd made Leo strip down to his underwear and run around the camp on fire, singing "This Girl is on Fire. "

"I'll go with the dare. "you decided.

Nico's eyes boggled. "There is no way I'm kissing you. "

"It's a dare!"

"Why don't you guys make out in the closet. " Piper smirked. "For two minutes. "

You and Nico groaned and dragged yourself to the closet.

You knew why Piper did this. You'd told her about your secret crush and she got all excited and decided to set you guys up.

"I know why she's doing this. " you said together.

You paused and raised an eyebrow at him.

"She's setting us up. " you said in unison again.

"You go first. " you gestures at Nico.

He swallowed and said, "I told her that I had a crush on, you know, you. "

"Me too. " You surprised yourself with your straightforwardness.

"Then let's just pretend we aren't being forced to kiss and kiss. "

You leaned towards each other and your lips met.

Five minutes later.

"You can come out now. " Piper called, getting worried. They'd been trying to get you to come out of the closet for 3 minutes.

Finally, Travis picked the lock and they all burst into the closet to find you and Nico still kissing.

They all ran out screaming ewwww, but you and Nico were oblivious.

Gods, I didn't know how to do this. Is it alright?

Who's next?


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