XXVI | Frank x Reader

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Peek-a-boo! Warning: slightly inappropriate for kids. It doesn't go too far, but it gets quite close.

Edit: My sis complained so I had to change it. There is nothing close to the frick frack anymore.

You were chasing your boyfriend, Frank, around the Great Bath in nothing but a bathing suit. Why?

Your stupid boyfriend decided that it would be fun to turn into an eel, which you were extremely afraid of, and pull you underwater while at the Bath.

You had immediately screamed and tossed him onto the ground where he promptly turned back into a human. Let's just say that "out for revenge" is putting it mildly.

You were intent on slicing him into pieces to be tossed into Tarturus.

You were turning a corner when suddenly something behind you crashed into you and you fell over. You spun around to see Frank hovering over you.

Your thoughts for revenge, all your thoughts actually, disappeared as you stared into his charming obsidian eyes. He didn't move either. Then you remembered what he had done and smiled. You pulled him into a kiss, and while he was dazed, you drew your dagger and slammed him against the wall of the Aphrodite temple.

"An eel? Really? You KNEW I hate those. I thought you were the nice guy. You're spending way too much time with Percy and Leo. " you hissed at him. As you spoke, your voice got lower and even more menacing, and you inched closer and closer to him.

And then Bobby just had to interrupt.

"Dudes! That is gross! " he told you and Frank off. "If you wanna have sex, can you at least do it in private? Or at night? "

You pulled away, burning with embarrassment. And anger. Seriously. You were giving your boyfriend a lecture, and Bobby thinks you're making out? You lifted the knife from Frank's neck and threatened Bobby.

"Get away, lil Bobby. " you growled.
"I ain't listening to a slut who frick fracks with the praetor in broad daylight. "

This time, Frank growled. He turned into a lion and growled at Bobby. Bobby did the sensible thing. He ran.
Frank shook himself, pleased, and turned back to a human.

"Are you still gonna murder me?" Frank asked.

You smiled cheekily. "Well... I was planning to kill you... But seeing as you stood up for me just now... I'll let you off with the punishment of not kisses for a week."


Was this too overboard? Sorry to those who didn't like it. I'm gonna try to do a Percy one next, with an extra long cuddle scene. I think I really need to do one. Would you prefer someone else?

I wish I didn't change it......
Hope you enjoyed. I love you, my minions! Stay faithful!

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