XLIX | Frank x Reader

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So my sister kept bugging me to write a male demigod x reader and the end result is this.

I'm gonna put in a teensy bit of Supernatural.

I realise I haven't done a lot of Frank so I hope this makes up for it.

I have no idea if his eyes are brown or black but for the purpose of this imagine, they're dark brown.

Imagine: College in New Rome.

You walked along the shelves, growing more impatient by the minute. It had already been two hours, and you were yet to find the book you needed.

Your friend Dean had called, asking you if you could help him figure something out about a rare type of werewolf. Since you remembered reading something about types of werewolves before, you agreed. Unfortunately, you had read the book in question at least 3 years ago and the title and location of the book had slipped your mind.

Just as you were about to give up, you glanced up and happened to find it sitting on the top shelf, squeezed between a volume on Wolf Statues and a thick book about wolf anatomy.

You smiled to yourself and reached for it.

Only to realise that the shelf was too high up for you to have any hope of you reaching.

With a groan of frustration, you dropped your hand back to your side and slammed your head against the shelf at eye level.

You suddenly heard footsteps behind you and sensed a presence.

"Do you need help with that?" A familiar voice asked.
Oh, thank the Gods for Frank.

"Please help me get that one?" You pointed the book out to your boyfriend, not turning around. "There, with the green spine."

You saw Frank's hand reach over your head and pick the thick book off the shelf with no problem.

You turned around and took the book from his hand with a smile, before realising how close you were.

The thank you died in your throat as you watched Frank's eyes flit from your eyes to your lips and back.

Your bit your lip subconciously, looking into his warm, dark brown eyes.

In a flash, Frank had cupped a hand around your cheek and pulled you up to him. Your arms instinctively dropped the book onto a shelf and wrapped themselves around his neck.

It was slow and sweet, before Frank broke away, looking over your shoulder at the abandoned book on the shelf.

"Don't you have to be getting that to someone?" He whispered.

You didn't break the eye contact. "That can wait," you replied. "Right now, I just want to spend time with you."

Frank smiled and bent to kiss you when there was an indignant sqwuak and the librarian charged at the two of you with a feather duster, yelling about disrupting a proper learning environment and chased you guys out.

"Well, since Reyna's at Camp Half-Blood, the Praetor House is empty, right?" You askedd.

Frank nodded. "You up for a The Vampire Diaries marathon?"

You grinned. "Love, I was born ready."

The end.

Hope you enjoyed!

I'd love some feedback! Would you like me to be more detailed when describing the kisses and stuff like that? Want ito to be longer or shorter? Just drop a comment here and I'll do my best to improve!


Demigod x Reader // PJO HOO Reader Inserts // PJO HOO Imagines And PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now