XX | Travis x Reader

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You are a daughter of Hades. Kinda copied some bits off a headcannon I saw but modified. You are already dating.

You woke up to find everything in your cabin pink.

"STOLLS! " you screamed and marched to the Hermes cabin.

They were already standing outside the cabin with a bunch of water balloons at their side. As you walked closer, you caught a whiff of the foul stench it was giving off.

"What the Hades have you done to my room?! " you yelled at them.

"We thought you needed a renovation. " Connor said casually.

You walked up to then and shoved your face in theirs.

"You had better clean it up before Nico gets home or-" you hissed. Travis closed the gap between your faces.

When he pulled away, he smiled and said, "I'm pretty sure that you'll helpe save my butt. You wouldn't let your brother kill me, right? "

You sighed and nodded. "I'll help you clean up before I end up having to clean you off the floor. "

Then, you checked your pocket and realised that your drachmas were missing.

"STOLLS! " you screamed and ran after them as they took to their heels.

Okay...... Epic Fail. I think. Hope you liked it though.

Who next? Is Jason fine with you guys?

Au revoir!

Demigod x Reader // PJO HOO Reader Inserts // PJO HOO Imagines And PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now