XLVII | Reyna x Reader

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Mortal AU
You're already dating.

Your POV

Reyna sat with her shoulder slumped and a weary look on her face. Work had been stressful lately, and the two of you had hardly interacted, despite living in the same house, each overwhelmed by your own responsibilities.

You had had enough of the silence. Putting away your laptop, you walked over to the record player and put on a Haydn chamber piece.

Reyna was so dead to the world she didn't react to the music. You walked over to her and held out a hand.

"May I have this dance?" You asked, smiling at her.

She looked up at you, her eyes widening as she seemed to take in the music and you being there.

"But I still have to finish this report," she protested.

"You need a break," you stated. "Dance with me."

Reyna's eyes flickered to the pile of papers on her desk and back to you. "Okay."

You grabbed her hand and pulled her up. Your arms wrapped loosely around each other as you began to float around the room. The music reached a crescendo, and you twirled her. Her face lit up in surprise before she turned around and spun you. It went on like that for a while, following the music with dips and twirls and playful dancing.

When the piece had long ended, you were still wrapped in each other's embrace. Your chin rested against her shoulder her cheek leaned against your shoulder.

You closed your eyes, feeling totally calm, totally at peace, here in the arms of the one you loved.

And in that moment, you knew.

"Reyna?" You whispered.

"Y/N?" She replied, equally quiet.

"Let's get married."

Apologies that it's so short! And that I haven't updated in ages. Hope you enjoyed :)

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