Opportunities for a New Life

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Kurogiri is the closest I've ever had to a father figure. My father left when I was very young, so I've never experienced this kind of affection. Motherly care is different. He bought clothes for me, and refused when I said I'd pay him back. It was a very nice button-down shirt and vest, with a red tie. Very similar to his own outfit. He encourages me during our training, and educates me in both combat and intellect. It's nice to have someone who believes in me other than myself.

Training at the start was just lifting weights and running and such, to tone my frail body. I progressively gained speed, strength and agility. I trained for a few hours every day with Kurogiri. I've been here for about five weeks. Kurogiri says my body is very adaptable. I think that's a good thing.

"Kurogiri! All Might is a teacher now! Do you know what this means?" Shigaraki burst into the room I was training in.


"So earlier I broke into UA with the help of some fanatical reporters," he said as he scratched his neck, "and I found out he's going on a trip with them to a place called the Unforeseen Simulation Joint."

"USJ? Like Universal Studios Japan?" I stopped what I was doing to listen. This could be interesting. Shigaraki's main goal as a villain is to kill All Might. I know All Might's weakness thanks to meeting him a while ago, but I haven't told anyone yet. I'll let them know when they're strong enough. All Might may be getting weaker, but he's still one of the strongest forces out there. There's no way a league this small could defeat him just yet.

"I guess so. But my point is, I think All Might is getting weaker somehow. Everybody reaches their limit. He's been going strong for too long. I gathered up a bunch of my henchmen and the boss is giving us a Nomu to use. We're going to defeat him this time."

"Henchmen? Nomu? Since when did you have henchmen? And what's a Nomu-" I looked back and forth from Shigaraki to Kurogiri waiting for someone to answer my question.

"You'll see in time, kid." It's never a real answer is it? "We're going to infiltrate their little school trip and defeat All Might. I guarantee it. Izuku, you're going to stay by Kurogiri when we go. Got it?" I nodded, glad to finally be a part of their little schemes. All Might's not going to die, but it will be entertaining to watch. And maybe I'll get in some action, who knows? I should bring my notebook too, in case I get to see some cool quirks while I'm there.

I thought it wouldn't be this easy to persuade me into something like this, but I've changed my mind on trying to be a hero. Being a villain is probably a lot more amusing anyway.

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